
Saturday, July 14, 2012

A Common Sense Approach to Treating Muslims in the West

Hat tip to Citizen Warrior

A friend has sent me this posting from Citizen Warrior which addresses many of the conflicts I am dealing with regarding Muslims in the West. How do we as non-Muslims in the West deal with Muslims in our midst without succumbing to hate? At issue is how do we let our Muslim fellow-citizens know how we feel about what is going on in the world today in an open and fair way? I think Citizen Warrior has hit on some great points here. I also note that the writer mentions the Freedom Pledge from Former Muslims United, a copy of which I personally delivered to one Muslim leader just last month (see my previous post about Maher Hathout).

One thing is clear; fears of being called an Islamophobe must be put aside. We are not the haters. True religious intolerance is on display around the world every day. And it is being conducted by Muslims against non-Muslim and from one Muslim sect against another. We are not talking only about intolerant speech; we are talking about murder on a grand scale.

We must also make a distinction in our own minds between Islam as a religion and Islam as a political ideology with its own legal code and enforcement apparatus  (sharia). Although the two cross over, we have no problem with Muslims worshiping God, praying five times a day (in private) and making the Hajj.  We don't need to list the aspects of Islam as political ideology we find threatening.

All in all, I think the above article can serve as a guide for us in our own day-to-day interactions with Muslims.


Squid said...

Thanks for this excellent post Gary. This is a common sense approach to treating Muslims. The POTUS and his minions should read it and act upon it. All Governors of U.S. States should read it and act upon it. All law enforcement leaders should read it and act upon it. All muslims should read it and act accordingly. All haters in the U.S. should read it and moderate their behavior into a sane approach to handling a serious problem. Last, all Muslim Brotherhood members and followers should read it and know that we know their game plan and play it accordingly.


Squid said...

When the readers have gone through the very important, lengthy material, they should go to this YouTube site and chill. After all, it is the weekend.



Gary Fouse said...


I hate it.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

"We are not the haters."

Yeah, that's what everyone says about themselves.