"Cuidado, Sr. Presidente."
Today, President Obama is participating in a G-20 summit in Los Cabos, Mexico, which is a gorgeous area situated near the southern tip of Baja California. In addition, he has also met one-on-one with Mexican president Felipe Calderon ad Russian president Vladimir Putin.
With Calderon, Obama has already been publicly thanked by the Mexican president for his action to defer deportation of certain Mexican illegal aliens who were brought to this country at a young age by their parents. Calderon called it a humane act, leaving aside the debate over whether the American president interfered with a legislative jurisdiction with an executive order. Calderon's real reason for gratitude is that Mexico doesn't need more of its own citizens being returned. Those represent people who Mexico will need to take care of in terms of education, jobs and little details like that. Those are two areas they have already shown they are unable or unwilling to do. They also don't need any more pistoleros running around shooting rival cartel members and innocent by-standers.
Oh, I forgot. The president says they are all college students, US military vets and future astronauts-or something like that. In that case, why wouldn't Mexico want them back to contribute to their own nation?
As for Putin, now Obama can personally deliver that massage he previously passed on to Putin's stooge, Medvedev.
"After the election, I'll have more flexibility."
But now is now, and there is a pressing issue between the US and Russia, which is Syria. As we speak, another Russian ship is believed to be running more weapons to the Syrian regime to kill its own people. Short of military action, Russia is the only country that has the influence needed to bring about a halt to the massacres. We all assume that is what Obama and Putin discussed today in Los Cabos.
In short, this is a big opportunity for Obama to achieve a great diplomatic success-or a great diplomatic failure. Hopefully, he can convince Putin that it will be in Russia's interest - and Putin's- to do what is simply "the right thing"; force Assad to stop the massacres and leave Syria (to the Muslim Brotherhood?) The problem is that, in my humble view, Obama is in over his head with Putin. I can only hope he will not make a deal that will be against America's interest.
Hopefully, he still doesn't have that flexibility.
Enjoy Mexico, Mr. President, but don't let Putin pour too much vodka down your throat. ( I know from personal experience.) I recommend Bohemia. It's Mexico's finest beer.
We can call it the Mexican beer summit.
Yeah, right, help the al-qaeda rebels defeat Assad so they can massacre the Syrian Christians, you ignorant bonehead.
Dear Anonymous,
I may be an ignorant bonehead, but you seem unable to grasp the subtlety of my writing, or you are a first time visitor here. I write constantly about the persecution of non-Muslims in the ME. I have no illusions as to who will eventually take over Syria. Yet, it is impossible to ignore the human slaughter that is going on here. Eventually, we need to realize that nation building in this part of the world is a fool's errand. We are in a lose-lose situation. I just hate to stomach the thought that innocent children are being tortured, raped and killed. That is what Assad's troops are doing.
It is true that Christians and other religious minorities need to get out of these lands to save their own lives. Maybe some day we can build a huge wall around that part of the world-nobody gets out and nobody gets in.
Calderon to Obama: Thanks for violating your U.S. Constitution by acting like a South American dictator. You violated your oath of office to protect and defend the U.S. Constitution, and went ahead and refused to enforce it's laws. You are truly the imperial President.
Putin to Obama: Thanks for downgrading your defenses so that we can seriously consider an attack on American soil. You effectively brought the 600 ship Naval fleet during the Reagan administration to 230 ships, reduced the nuclear stockpile and lowered the number of Marines and armed forces to a new low. Also, thank you for throwing Poland under the bus by striking the agreed upon defensive missile shield. How nice of you.
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