
Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Indoctrination U.

Ron Lipsman, writing in Minding the Campus, spells it out when it comes to the indoctrination going on in our universities.

Let me offer my own views. If I am a student, I am not interested in my professor's view on America, capitalism, communism, the latest war, or any other topic. Accordingly, as a teacher, I keep my views (which are pro-America, pro-Israel, pro-democracy, pro-capitalism) out of the classroom. If asked my opinion about an issue by a student I tell him or her not to worry about what my opinion is-worry about their own opinions instead. The classroom is no place for a professor to be shoving his or her opinions down the students' collective throats.


Findalis said...

Universities Gary. No the Indoctrination starts in Elementary school and never stops.

Miggie said...

I sent the piece to my daughter who is now a college senior to get her take on it. I know it will be an opinion of one but she is pretty straight on this stuff as far as I can tell.

I'm betting now that she will either deny it or defend it in some way.

I just wonder if her politics will change once she gets out into the terrible economy that left wing politics have wrought. I don't think they ever connect the cause and the effect.

When I got out of college there were lots of job opportunities because business was booming. There weren't all these regulations and taxes and hostility toward accomplishment. There certainly weren't as many America haters. There was no sense that the government should support you, no matter what. Free enterprise was admired.

Soon it will be a situation when you tell your kids, "There use to be a day when......"

Anonymous said...

"I'm betting now that she will either deny it or defend it in some way."

Well, at least we know that you'll listen to her in an unbiased manner and genuinely consider what she has to say.

"I just wonder if her politics will change once she gets out into the terrible economy that left wing politics have wrought. I don't think they ever connect the cause and the effect."

Can you? How was the economy after Bush left?

--Anonymous 703