
Tuesday, May 22, 2012

LA Express Parking

"Good news, mein Fuehrer. The new Express Park is operational. Now we can tell the Soviets where to park their tanks."

You can't make this stuff up, folks. Here is LA's playboy mayor  Antonio Villaraigosa telling us all about the city's exciting new parking system that allows you to actually text-message the city to find a parking space. Now they even have sensors to tell drivers where the closest parking space is. The first post by Huffpo contains the city's promo ad featuring Tony Villar himself.

I am still trying to find the audio clip where the mayor talks about the "frustrated" (parking situation). It's a hoot.

And who is paying for all this fancy stuff? You are! LA has received $15 million from the Dept. of Transportation (That's Ray Lahood's bureaucracy. He's the guy whose son was recently ransomed out of Egypt by the US government-but that's a different story.) The rest of it ($3.5 million)is being paid for by the city. That's you if you live in LA or if you are parking in LA. For some prime spots during prime time, you may be paying 6 bucks an hour.

But there is good news. Those monster sized potholes are still there and still monster-sized. Crime is still climbing through the roof (This week another fan got clobbered at Dodger Stadium), illegal aliens are exempt from getting their cars impounded when driving drunk. and traffic is still a nightmare. The gangs are still running amok, and LAPD's anti-terrorism task force is still appearing at sharia workshops, along with Sheriff to the Stars Lee Baca, being run by stealth jihadists promoting sharia law for the US. But we now have space-age technology so that while you are driving around looking for a parking place, you can call or text the city to find out where you can park. ( By the way, texting while driving is illegal in LA.) What LA needs is sensors to tell drivers where the nearest gang-bangers are located so they can avoid them.

"Good news, mein Fuehrer. The Lakers are eliminated and we don't have to worry about any riots this year."

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