
Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Blow up Cleveland??

May Day and Occupy Cleveland got off to a fast start as the FBI has arrested 5 anarchists in a plot to blow up Cleveland. Talk about carrying coals to Newcastle.

Why there must be some mistake. Looks like the guy on the left accidentally detonated a bomb in his hair.

Here are the other two suspects.

Fortunately, the Feds were able to capture the scoundrels before they were able to carry out their mission.

Or did they?

Five less votes for Obama in November.


Anonymous said...

If these guys are real anarchists, then they're not voting for Obama. And no, they won't be voting for Romney either. If an anarchist votes at all, it won't be for either of the major parties.

Gary Fouse said...


Some might say we have an anarchist as president.

Anonymous said...

I would have to wonder if that person understands the meaning of the word.

I actually know a self-professed anarchist (although I doubt he would condone the actions of these men). Trust me, he has nothing good to say about Obama.

Gary Fouse said...


Let us say if you had to bet your house on which he would vote for, would you guess Romney or Obama?

Anonymous said...

I would bet my house that he wouldn't vote for either one. I think that an anarchist is as likely to vote Obama as a libertarian is - just for different reasons.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

These mug shots look line fine Aryan types. And I would bet the house they would not vote for either of the candidates mentioned here.