
Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Arab Nuremberg Laws

Hat tip to Monkey in the Middle and Israel Matzav

Next week, we are going to endure the annual Israel Apartheid week at UC Irvine courtesy of the Muslim Student Union (MSU). That is one of the big themes of Israel's opponents-linking them to South African apartheid and the Nazis. Here is a little known piece of history they won't talk about. It is a document prepared by the Arab League in 1947 that codified the second-class status of Jews in their countries.

Sounds a bit like the 1935 Nuremberg Laws that codified the status of Jews in Nazi Germany. Of course, another fact that Israel's enemies like to keep hidden is that once Israel was founded in 1948, almost one million Jews living in Arab countries were driven out, mostly with what they could carry. Most wound up in Israel and rebuilt their lives. They had no right of return (who would want to go back?), nor did they sit in refugee camps for decades.

You want to see more comparisons with the Nazis? Feast your eyes on these:

Mein Kampf in Arabic- top seller in the Middle East

From the Nazi anti-Semitic paper Der Stuermer

From Al Watan (Oman)
February 3, 2004

There are countless more in the Middle East.

May 2008 on the "Apartheid Wall" at UC Irvine

I could go and on. I could re-post the videos of the Muslim Brotherhood's spiritual leader, Yusuf al Qaradawi, calling the Holocaust "God's punishment for the Jews." I could quote anti-Semitic slurs made at UCI by some of the MSU's sponsored speakers like Amir Abdel Malik Ali ("You Jews, y'all the new Nazis" 2010), or Mohammed al Asi; ("You can take the Jew out of the ghetto, but you can't take the ghetto out of the Jew" 2001).

At the beginning of each event, as is their wont, an MSU speaker will state that their criticism of Israel has nothing to do with anti-Semitism, and that they stand against every form of hate. As in past years, we will see at least one speaker who is Jewish. I am sure that many of the MSU members are not anti-Semitic and may have Jewish friends. I would hope that especially the younger and newer students on campus who have joined the MSU will take the time to learn about the history of their organization in the past decade or so and research the speakers who have been brought to UCI. I also hope they will listen carefully to the words of Amir Abdel Malik Ali next Tuesday and ask themselves, "Is this what I stand for?"


Siarlys Jenkins said...

The first half of an analogy is always easier than the second, in which respect it resembles life, but not, of course, love.
--1339 or so, Being an apology for a pedlar.

Squid said...

Martin Luther King stated: "Anti-Zionism is anti-Semitism." I believe what King stated. The MSU hate week, with all the lies, deception and decite, plastered upon the despicable apartheid wall is pure hatred of Jews. The Muslim Brotherhood, MSU may say they do not hate Jews, just Zionists. They should heed what King stated. Someone should remind Malik Ali of this fact when he invokes Kings words in his Apartheid hate week spew.
Also, while the Arabs removed the Jews from Arab states, taking all their worldly possessions, Europian countries were applying their own form of anti-Semitism. The only place for Jews was the Jewish state of Israel. This was now their renewed home. The Islamists sing their song: "From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free." This is the cry to remove Jews from Israel, as a hate and extermination move. Nowhere in the Koran is Jerusalem mentioned, The pseudo palestinian people have no claim to the State, as the Jews have 3000 years of history in this land.
