
Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Another Group of Misfits (IJAN)

Hat tip Pro-Israel Bay Bloggers

At the IJAN "Never again" talk at DePaul University in Chicago , attendees reported:

"The organizers created an intimidating atmosphere. One attendee likened it to a Ku Klux Klan rally. No audience members were allowed to record, film, or photograph the speakers. Members of Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP), which sponsored the event, patrolled the aisles looking for “contraband” recording devices. This created a tense atmosphere, which one audience member described as fascist."

Just what we need-another American Jewish organization trying to destroy the state of Israel by teaming up with the radical Pro-Palestinian crowd. Say hello to the International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network.

Of course, it is hardly surprising that Berkeley professor Hatem Bazian would be at the quoted event in Chicago. He is pretty much on a never-ending tour of anti-Israel events. Someone at Berkeley ought to check and see how many of his classes he is actually teaching. He doesn't seem to have time to teach. Next week, he'll be here at UC Irvine helping out the Muslim Student Union with their annual week of events against Israel.

                                                                        Hatem Bazian

Dear reader: Don't let anybody tell you you cannot record these events-especially the little toughies from the Students for Justice in Palestine. Audience members have every right to film and record. That little matter was settled a few years ago at UCI when they tried to stop Republican politician Chuck DeVore from filming at one of these events. He set them straight.

1 comment:

Miggie said...

UCI is like the Madison Square Garden of the antisemitic speaking tour. If you haven't played in this venue, you haven't made it to the big league.

I wonder if the MSU would hold together if they selected some other target for their venom some year. It is not like they don't have other candidates who abuse Muslims.... places where they are killed in great numbers and don't even get medical care. Muslims have more freedom and privileges in Israel than they do in either Saudi Arabia or Iran .... or Jordan or Egypt, etc. Ask any Israeli Arab.