
Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Another DOJ Outrage-$400,000 to Bernadine Dohrn

"Reward.  If you see these persons, please give them $400,000."

Hat tip to Family Security Matters and Squid

Former Weather Underground terrorist and fugitive Bernadine Dohrn is involved in a group that has received $400,000 grant money from Eric Holder's Justice Department. In case you still don't recognize the name, she is the wife of William Ayres.

Here is the report from Family Security Matters

Kudos to Judiicial Watch for uncovering this information.


Squid said...

One must remember that Ayers (and I presume Dohrn) worked closely in Chicago siphoning grant money from endowments where they were board members, to fund pet projects. Ayers funded Obama for a counseling project targeting male mentors for inner city high risk youth. On the surface, this is a great project, as mentors could make a difference in the lives of youth. But the project was a miserable failure, due to the fact that the project was really a way to indoctrinate the men into supporting Obama and the community organization effort.
I can only imagine what the $400,000 is really going to fund.


Miggie said...

All is forgiven by the Obama admininistration and the DOJ once you join the "Destroy Israel" bandwagon. It's something the Left the world over shares.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

This is tired old nonsense. Miggie, the forgiveness was issued by Ronald Reagan's justice department.

Frankly, I had hardly ever heard of Ayers except as Dohrn's husband. She was the one with the big mouth.

Since the plea deal was cut that brought them back above ground, Ayers and Dohrn have been making a living by honest labor, albeit they still make fools of themselves on their own time.

Dohrn runs a widely acclaimed legal program for children. My mother, the Republican in the family, admires it, being as how my parents live close by.

DOJ allocated the funds for a proven track record, not a personality. Was the money allocated to Werner von Braun's Gemini, Saturn and Apollo programs an outrageous subsidy of the Nazi legacy?