
Wednesday, May 23, 2012

About That North Carolina Pastor on Gays

I'm a little late in catching up with this story about the North Carolina pastor named Charles Worley, who has a pretty incendiary way of expressing his opposition to gays. ("He's agin'em".)

Of course, Worley is free to say what he wants, but my reaction from a Christian point of view is who appointed him to cast the first stone? This is not the kind of rhetoric that I am used to hearing in a church, and while Christian doctrine may or may not consider homosexuality as a sin, this guy comes across as some of a bigot in bib overalls. Perhaps, Pastor Worley would be more comfortable in a country like Iran where homosexuality is punishable by death.

And to show how dumb this guy is, he wants to put them all behind a wall separated by gender so they won't reproduce; thus, homosexuality would die out.

'Build a great big large fence, 50 or a hundred mile long. Put all the lesbians in there, fly over and drop some food. Do the same thing with the queers and the homosexuals. And have that fence electrified so they can’t get out.
'And you know what? In a few years they will die out. You know why? They can’t reproduce.'

What am I missing here?

This boob must have visions of wild parties with lesbians and male gays having orgies together and having gay babies as a result. I mean that's how gays are born, right?

"Uhhhhhh... yeaaaah."

Uh, NO!

What an embarrassment for a church. What an embarrassment for North Carolina, my Mom's home state. I know it's better than that.


Findalis said...

I have a few ministers as friends (I just shocked some of your more liberal readers.) and each one has condemned Charles Worley from the pulpit. Not one will agree with this putz (Sorry for the profanity.) and each one has condemned this idea.

I guess that Worley will only have Muslims to agree with this crazy idea. The Christians are rejecting it outright.

Anonymous said...

"This boob must have visions of wild parties with lesbians and male gays having orgies together and having gay babies as a result. I mean that's how gays are born, right?"

It's like he doesn't even understand what it means to be gay, even though he hates them.

Personally, I'm always suspicious of guys who are this over-the-top when it comes to their homophobia. I've known a few people in my life who have been anti-gay in their rhetoric, only to later come out of the closet. I wouldn't be surprised if we found this guy in a Ted Haggard like sex scandal in the near future.

--Anonymous 703

Siarlys Jenkins said...

Good commentary Gary.

And of course North Carolina is better than that. They're hosting the Democratic National Convention.