Speaking of the White House Correspondent's dinner, when do you think the media will wake up to one of the major international news stories (that isn't being reported much)-the killing in Christians in certain parts of the world? As in Nigeria, for example.
This, of course, is part of the question I posed to a sharia workshop a week or so back at Loyola Marymount University.
"It's a false criteria." (Sherman Jackson)
" There are two problems. First of all, most of these countries are not free countries, and for the past 8 decades, the Western superpowers, including the US, have supported these regimes." (Sayyid Mustafa Al Qazwini)
Of course. Sorry to bring it up.
Killing of Christians around the world is not, per se, a news story.
Mobs or paramilitary units targeting large numbers of people for mass murder based on their religion is -- and your brief synopsis was no surprise, because the New York Times and a variety of other news sources cover it regularly, particularly with regard to Nigeria.
But if you want information to lead to action, just which neocon intervention strategy are you pushing? Send the marines to Nigeria, create an American patrolled DMZ between the Muslim north and the Christian south, while forcibly repatriating millions to "their" proper side of that line? No? Then what?
No, Siarlys, I am not for sending US troops to Nigeria. Just doing my little part to make sure all the folks watching Dancing with the Stars are aware, that's all.
Oh, if only all those people watching Dancing With The Stars read the New York Times... they would see frequent and in-depth coverage of the subject.
You would know that if you read the New York Times. I know it, and I only read it intermittently, since I can't afford a subscription, nor do I have time to read it every day.
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