"Hey Daddy. What's with the swords?"
In the below post from Hot Air, an Egyptian politician warns the US to keep the aid money flowing or no peace with Israel. Not coincidentally, the politician happens to be a member of the Muslim Brotherhood.
One would think that peace is a good thing at least as opposed to getting thousands of Egyptian soldiers killed in a new war with Israel. Besides, what reason would Egypt have to go back to war with Israel? They don't want the Gaza Strip, do they?
This is another case of blackmail for US money. It's time we save that money, which we need here at home. If the Egyptians don't want to be our friends, who needs them?
For years the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt has been wanting to eliminate the Camp David Accords. And I am sure that there are Israeli pilots who would love to eliminate the Aswan High Dam.
Sounds like a good exchange to me.
The Egyptians don't want Gaza. They were offered it and they declined. Israel has given up any claim to it.
Interesting way to gain sovereignty. They dont have to buy it, fight for it, negotiate for it, defend it .... Nobody wants it or its people, so they get it. The problem is that can't govern it.
If Israel needs the U.S. to buy peace with Egypt for them, we shouldn't bother.
If Israel can take care of itself, there is no reason for us to buy for them what they can obtain for themselves.
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