
Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Fast and Furious: 3 Logical Questions

Bob Owens, writing in PJ Media, brings up 3 simple questions that the mainstream news media won't even ask about Fast and Furious.

1- Remember that guy Craig Livingstone, the barroom bouncer that showed up at the Clinton White House one day, took over the security office, and became custody of several hundred secret files on Republicans. To this day, nobody has ever discovered who hired him. It's a cold case mystery that has never been solved. God only knows who the responsible party was.

But I digress.

Isn't it amazing that nobody can tell us who thought up Fast and Furious? What does that tell you? It tells me there is a cover-up going on.


2- If there was no effort to track the guns after purchase and arrest anyone or seize the weapons, wasn't it obvious that they would wind up being used to kill people? Yet, the only "benefit" that would result was that if the weapons were recovered from crime scenes, they could be traced to a US purchase. What would be the benefit to the government?

Answer: An argument that the US was supplying 80 or 90% of the weapons being used in Mexico, as claimed by the Obama administration. Thus, the idea that there should be tighter restrictions on gun sales and ownership in the US.

3- Why doesn't Obama tell Holder it is time to go? That's because, in my view, Holder knows where the bodies are buried (no pun intended). That's because not only did this scheme originate in the highest levels of the DOJ, it probably reaches into the highest levels of the White House as well. That is because Obama is really the mastermind of all that is going on in his administration. He may be incompetent and in over his head, but he knows exactly where he wants to take this country. I don't believe that any of these insane policies are being enacted by his underlings without his knowledge and approval.


Squid said...

My opinion, let this scandal fester, all the way up to the 2012 election. Let U.S. Rep. Issa find more evidence to indite Holder and his minions and to implicate Obama. If Obama wants to throw Holder under the bus, as he has done to other "friends", let Holder sign a song to further disparage Obama. This would make a great movie script, if there was no murder and death of one of our law enforcement agents.


Gary Fouse said...

Whatever happened to Woodward and Bernstein?

Siarlys Jenkins said...

"Why doesn't Obama tell Holder it is time to go?"

Because Holder is doing a competent job, and because the President of the United States doesn't count what Orange County bloggers are saying this week when making cabinet level decisions.

He doesn't ask me either.

P.S. Woodward and Bernstein had sources able to provide facts. All you have is a pile of self-serving speculation.