
Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Another Memorable Barbara Boxer Moment

Yes, folks, Barbara Boxer (the stupidest woman in the Senate) is back on TV making an idiot out of herself, this time with the 2nd stupidest woman in the Senate, Patty Murray (D-WA). Here they are being interviewed (where else?) on MSNBC by Andrea Mitchell. The topic: The decision by the Susan G Komen Foundation to suspend funding to Planned Parenthood.

According to Boxer, it all reminds her of the McCarthy era.

Dumb and dumber

Boxer: "As Patty Murray has so eloquently stated...."

Murray: "Planned Parenthood's mission is to save lives."

Aside from Boxer's idiocy, here is my take on the Planned Parenthood-Susan G Komen controversy: First,  is it true that Komen decided to cut off funding to Planned Parenthood because it was under Congressional investigation (and by several states as well) or because PP does not actually perform mammograms? Or is it true that the reason was due to pressure from those McCarthyite Republicans and pro-life forces? And is it true that they reversed their decision due to Congressional pressure from Democrats? It looks like they are catching it from both sides. The below article is from Gateway Pundit,a conservative blog.

In my humble view, the Komen Foundation's mission is to fight breast cancer not fund abortion. If I were in charge at Komen, I would ask myself, "What is the money we give Planned Parenthood used for?" If Planned Parenthood is merely referring women elsewhere for mammograms, does that justify our funding?'

Secondly, it seems to me that the Komen Foundation-or any other- is free to decide to whom they will give money. Abortion in the US is legal, and the Komen Foundation has every right to give money to Planned Parenthood. They also have every right not to give their money to Planned Parenthood.

Don't they?


Findalis said...

If one calls Planned Parenthood for a Mammogram they tell you that they don't do them. Or for a Pap Smear, or for Birth Control (they used to do that).

I don't give to Koman due to the fact they don't want a cure, just your money.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

Barbara Boxer comparing this tempest in a tea cup over Komen to the McCarthy era, is rather like American Christians who bleat like they've been sent to the lions when a teacher in a public school can't lead their class in prayers "in the name of Jesus" with five Jewish students, two Muslim students, and three Buddhist students present.

None of these cretins know what real persecution is.