
Monday, January 16, 2012

O'Reilly Zings South Carolina Democrat

Dick "Harpo" Harpootlian

Talk about a gotcha moment. Tonight, Bill O'Reilly was interviewing a South Carolina Democrat honcho named Dick Harpootlian, who was complaining about the fact that the Republican candidates were having (yet another) debate tonight on Martin Luther King Day.

What an insult. How insensitive. Don't they realize that one-third of the voters in South Carolina are African-Americans etc. etc. etc.?

Then O'Reilly sprung the trap door.

Was Mr Harpootlian not aware that in 2008, the Democrats held a primary debate on MLK Day-sponsored no less by the Black Congressional Caucus?


From that point on till the end of the interview, Harpo was reduced to a series of Uhs, ahs, heh hehs, and little else.

Having said that, do we really need any more Republican debates? I think it is pretty clear right now where they all stand. It's time for more of these guys to knock off the negative campaigning, drop out, and speed up the process. The goal is to beat Obama in November. Some of the candidates seem to be losing sight of that.


Findalis said...

The more the Democrats play the "Race Card", the more people run from them.

Let the record of the President stand on its own.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

The Republicans have already amply demonstrated that none of them are qualified to be president. They are a pack of fools for the most part, Santorum sincere but Sanctimonious, Paul has some good ideas but would be a disaster in office. They couldn't defeat Obama if they sliced and diced themselves to offer the best of each candidate combined into one person. I'm not getting sick of them, I'm enjoying the show.