Maybe they thought he was a burglar.
I remember when I was in basic training and my drill sergeant told me there was no such thing as Santa Claus, how broken-hearted I was. He had to send me to KP just to take my mind off it.

Well, that's not as ridiculous as what happened New Years Eve in Tajikistan.
Tajikistan is one of those Central Asian former Soviet republics. Ethnicly, and linguistically, they are related to the Persians.
Anyway, some guy in the capital of Dushanbe dressed up as Santa Claus to celebrate New Years. That didn't sit so well with a group of bah-humbuggers, who called him an infidel as they killed him. The authorities are calling it just another case of random violence. No doubt our State Department is concurring.
Surely, it was just a misunderstanding.
Ho ho ho - it's funny because a guy got shot.
And killed.
I suspect this was done by a band of inebriated American tourists who didn't want to see ONE MORE wimpy Santa Claus movie EVER, as long as they lived.
Well now we can debate whether killing Santa Claus is anti-Christian, or whether Santa is an anagram for Satan, as some Protestant sects believe.
Let just say it is ridiculous, OK?
Ridiculous isn't enough. It's HILARIOUS!
Your picture of the guy on the ground laughing is entirely appropriate for the subject matter. Kudos to you, sir. Kudos.
I sure would hate to be that dead guy in the Santa suit right now.
I get the satire. I suggest you direct your indignation to the ones who killed the guy in the first place.
Sorry, I didn't realize that they put that picture on your blog as well.
I'm afraid to click on the link to a site named C'thulhu. Those were some seriously deranged story lines. I am rather proud of the unpublished manuscript, "The Horror in the Old Laundromat."
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