
Sunday, January 15, 2012

Harry Reid's Advice to Republicans

This post originally appeared on Alexandria

Sign on main drag, Tonopah, Nevada

Thank God the Republicans have that wise old sage, Harry Reid to offer advice. This time, Harry says the Republicans should drop the Tea Party and their "extremism".

What extremism? The principle aims of the Tea Party are to stop the increasing take-over of our lives by the government, stop insane government spending and ever-increasing taxes. As for Republicans, the Tea Party is saying that those Republicans who don't stand up for those ideas should be voted out of office. In fact, the Tea Party engages in two activities, peaceful protests and voting. There are no arrests, no violence, no threats of violence, no racial or anti-Semitic statements, no defecating on the American flag (see below), and no trash left behind.That's extreme?

On the other hand.......

I'll tell you what extreme is; that would be the mobs who are taking over public space, turning them into filthy encampments, getting arrested, engaging in public disorder, and demanding more STUFF because they see others who have more STUFF. That's extremism. That is the Occupy movement. None of those posters you see are criticizing the president or the Democrats. That's because they are in lock step. That's why you don't see the Harry Reids, the Nancy Pelosis or the Barack Obamas criticizing them.

Photo by Peoples' Cube. Hat tip to American Power.

Now, that's extreme, Harry.

My advice to Harry Reid is to drop the Occupy movement.


Miggie said...

Reid is parroting the Democratic line that the Tea Party is extreme and ruining the country. They would like to demonize it. It happens that none of those people who swept the Federal and State elections in 2010 went away. They are looking for a candidate who reflect their values best.

Any comparison between them and the Occupy movement is absolutely ludicrous for the reasons you listed (as well as a few more that could be made). The picture you included in the discussion should be the Occupy logo. That is what they are capable of and nothing more.

Socialism and big government with all its agencies and regulations, inefficiencies, and constant demand for more taxes and more power just doesn't work as well as capitalism. This has been shown time and again for over 100 years. Liberty and free enterprise is a gift and to put that in jeprody with another Obama administration is dooming us to become failed societies as they have become in Europe.

Then again if you are at the trough, your view will be different. Even then, the realization that you will run out of rich people some day should occur to you. When you take money from rich people and give it to poor people you will end up with fewer rich people and more poor people.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

The Tea Party is a flash in the pan. Harry Reid should find something better to do than give advice to the opposition.

Reid can't drop the Occupy movement, because he has little or no influence within it. Unlike the Tea Party, the Occupy movement is not running candidates in the Democratic primary.

Gary Fouse said...


That's because they already have their candidate. His name is Barack Obama. You may have heard of him.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

Gary, unlike Sharon Angle, Christine O'Donnell, etc. etc. etc., who opportunistically came to an existential Tea Party movement and said "We've come to be your leader," Barack Obama was elected to office before their WAS an "Occupy" movement. For all your wishful thinking that you can pin the movement on the candidate, or the party, Occupy was in part a response to Obama's shortcomings, and has carefully avoided being sucked into any party.