
Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Europe Will Become Single Muslim State

"Imagine no more countries.....and no religion too (except one)"

Hat tip to Gallia Watch and Memri TV

The below posting is from the Frence-based blog Gallia Watch. It features a video of a speech given this month by Egyptian cleric Ali Abu Al Hasan, who gives his own version of John Lennon's "Imagine". He predicts that in a few decades, Europe will be one big Islamic state.

Of course, who am I to argue with the esteemed cleric? He is 100% correct.


Siarlys Jenkins said...

You give up to easy Gary.

I can understand that, as Christian scriptures also say, "it is good to dwell together in unity." I can even grasp that there is a certain beauty to a life where the laws you have to obey, the spiritual beliefs you hold to, the personal relations you have with others, are all in perfect harmony with each other.

However, the bloody history of Christianity in general, and Europe in specific, has taught us that unity enforced at the point of a sword is a false unity, and cannot last. Some Muslims realize that, others do not. Many Christians are trying to break away from that understanding, but are somewhat farther short of being able to really enforce what they seek than are the Salafists and Khomeinists and Qutbists.

Europe was at one time supposed to be a Holy Roman Empire, with the emperor crowned by Christ's Vicar on Earth. This was a failure. Europe is not close to becoming a single Muslim state, and it isn't going to be a single anything else either. In fact, it seems to fall a good deal short of becoming a state at all.

Gary Fouse said...

What I want to know is will it be sunni or shia-and will they then fight new Euro wars over that issue?

Get that German beer while there's still time.

Ingrid said...

I was going to say something but then I read Findalis and now I am speechless.

Flag God U.S.A. Eagle #1 said...

Findalis is absolutely 100% correct! She speaks the truth, and like a blast of lightning coming straight into your bedroom, it has BLINDED you, rendering you speechless!

What Findalis spells out is EXACTLY what will happen if Obama is elected to a second term. There is no two ways about it, and only people who are blinded by LIBERAL LIES can't see it!

I have never had the pleasure of knowing somebody in person who's as smart as Findalis. I would say that she is pyschic, but anybody with a brain (as in, NOT COMMUNIST LIBERALS!) can figure out what she has figured out.

Findalis said...

There is a saying in the Muslim world:

First the Saturday People,
Then the Sunday People.

This explains every Muslim nation. They have destroyed their Jewish communities, now are working on their Christian communities. In nations like Saudi Arabia where there are only Muslims, they are fighting Sunni vs. Shia. When one side or the other wins it will be Tribe vs. Tribe. Then family vs. family. Then Brother vs. Brother.

That is the history of Islam. That is what will happen. Better get use to it Europe. You are doomed!

Siarlys Jenkins said...

There is a saying in America: when an admitted idol worshipper endorses the hallucinatory ravings of a bitter old Jewish woman, nothing good can come of it.

Ingrid said...

I am still speechless but I am laughing my a.. off.

Gary Fouse said...

At me or the imam?