
Sunday, January 8, 2012

Drive Drunk in LA and Get Your Car Impounded-Except....

LA Mayor Antonio (Fredo) Villaraigosa, pictured above, and LAPD Chief Charlie McCarthy, er Beck have announced the policy for those who are arrested for DUI.

Be advised: If you are caught driving drunk in LA, your car will be impounded. Except if you are an illegal alien.

That's right. You see, according to Chief Beck, the extravagant cost of getting your car out of impound disproportionately affects those who are in the country illegally because they are poorer than you and me.

1 comment:

Squid said...

Equal justice for all?! This is the same mentation that gets the New Black Panther, King (Cracker Killer) Shabbaz off the hook at Eric Holder's DOJ. Are you feeling safe and secure yet?
