
Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Quote of the Week From (Who Else?) Joe Biden

In case you didn't know it, Joe Biden (who I think is still our vice president) was in Greece during the past few days where he made this stunning statement as he was rubbing elbows with all those guys named George Papa-something or other.

"We stand in solidarity with Greece."

"ah wunnerful, ah wunnerful, ah."

Well, that's just ducky. The only thing that can mean is either  we send them a sympathy card or get well card, I'm not sure which-or we send them a boatload of cash, which is what the  EU and IMF are supposed to be doing. (How much financing does the IMF get from us to begin with?)

How comforting to know that along with everything else we have to pay for with money we don't have, now we are "standing in solidarity with Greece".

"That's a big fu----' deal."

When will somebody stand in solidarity with us?


Miggie said...

We are going to find ourselves just like Greece if things keep up the way they are going under this administration. The handwriting is on the wall for anybody with any sense to see, yet the Democrats will continue to want to send this country into the toilet.

The election can't come soon enough, and Obama will be known not just as a one-termer but the worst one-termer of all time. Even worse than Carter.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

You want someone to stand in SOLIDARITY with us, Gary? Don't you know who uses the word "solidarity"? UNIONS! Bet you'll never say that again...

SOLIDARITY FOREVER ... Gary Fouse says so.

Gary Fouse said...


When I hear the word "solidarity", I hide under the bed.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

That's not what you said at the end of the article on Biden and Greece... you're a fast dancer, I'll give you that. You shift ground on a moment's notice, and do u-turns on a dime.

Gary Fouse said...


You are really stretching to make a point. I was using Biden's term to make a point. Solidarity is a word I don't use except when quoting others-usually in dersion.

Squid said...

All Biden was saying is that we are going to share, in solidarity, a perfect Cloward and Piven Strategy moment.


Siarlys Jenkins said...

Coward and Piven don't impress anybody except you Squid.