On the job
"Daring young man with a vision looks to the future"
Hat tip to the Blaze
As Vice President Biden assures the Greeks that we "stand in solidarity with them", President Obama is planning.....another long vacation in Hawaii.
Well, why not? If you are independently rich enough to afford a $3,500 -a-day spot on the beach, it pays to get away from Washington and all those pesky chores that a president has to accomplish, like getting that deficit plan done by his Super Super-Dooper Committee, as well as other minor details like keeping the country from falling apart.
It can all be done from Hawaii. All he has to remember is to bring his joy-stick with him. Actually, that's the way he operates. Whether it's Bibi Netanyahu or his Super Super Dooper Committee, he just tells them to work it out and let him know. If he's not having dinner, he will be in Hawaii.
Even you can be president.
And what great news for his Secret Service detail, Air Force One crew, and all the other staffers who get to spend 17 days in Hawaii too.
Not since Casey Stengel was managing the Yankees in the 1950s have we had a leader who is so disengaged, he just needs to sit in the dugout and write out the line-up card. The only difference is that the Yankees kept winning while we keep sinking. The econmoy is going to Hell. The country is going to Hell. The world is going to Hell. Obama is going to Hawaii.
"Mantle, Maris. I could do this from Hawaii."
No President has ever taken as much time off as the current criminal in chief. It is typical of what you can expect from statists like him. He cries that it's time to "tax the rich" and then he rubs it in everyone's face how he can have fun playing in the sun while real Americans work. No wonder this country is going to hell.
Au contraire, Miggie, EVERY president has taken oodles of time off. Richard Nixon OWNED vacation spots, therefore christened the "Western White House" and I believe there was one in Florida, or was he just out sailing with Bebe Rebozo all the time? Both Bushes had their long vacations also... why do you think anti-war vigils converged on Crawdford, Texas?
Gary is just out of substantive issues and indulging in a little sour grapes.
I remember Bush taking a break every month. Don't remember any comments from the conservatives about his vacation time. Oh well.
Miggie and Gary are just jealous because Obama looks better than they probably ever did.
That's weally twue.
Siarlys, you don't believe that Obama has taken more vacation time? Try this link from the liberal media that confirms what I'm talking about. Facts are very inconvenient things.
Let us hope that Obama extends his vacation until January 2012.
As the bumper sticker says Miggie, "I don't believe the liberal media." Politically, I am libertarian, and we despise liberals for nanny-state meddling in individual choices. Economically, I'm socialist, and we despise liberals as right-wing lackeys of the bourgeoisie.
But as to the article you reference, once again, you are either lying, or illiterate. The article says that President Obama has taken 61 vacation days after 31 months in office, compared to 180 days for George W. Bush after a comparable time in office, and 112 for Ronald Reagan. (Maybe you consider it different that the latter two OWNED ranches to take vacations at, and Obama has to find a nice place to rent for a week or two). Only Bill Clinton took fewer vacation days -- and we know why he was in a hurry to get back to the White House.
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