One of these gentlemen is the mayor of Los Angeles
Hat tip to Squid and to Buzzfeed for the below photos
A few days ago, LA Mayor Antonio "Fredo" Villaraigosa wrote the below letter to the protesters who were squatting in the park in front of City Hall:
Below are 15 photos (from that show the aftermath of the sleep-in.
"You have changed that. In seven short weeks, you have awakened the country’s conscience. You have given voice to those who have not been heard: to the middle class families who face piles of past due notices and wonder how they will get by; to the students who have done the work, made the grades and have graduated into a job market woefully short on prospects and possibility; to the homeowners who, through no fault of their own, have fallen on hard times and have lost their homes and lifesavings; and to all of the people who face the bitter prospect of an American Dream that grows more and more elusive every day."
Inspiring, indeed.
Keep in mind that Villaraigosa aspires to be governor of California and then on to Washington for greater glories.
I suggest you remember these photos when you hear clowns like Ed (Butter and Egg Man) Schultz praise the "99%-ers", while calling the tea-partiers dangerous extremists.
1 comment:
Look close at these pictures. Look real close. This rumble represents what Progressive/Socialists want for America. If given the chance, they will make it happen, as it is happening right now, across the US.A.
They want their Marxist style entitlements, handouts, class warfare, destruction of Capitalism and the American way of life. These OWS minions have no concept of economics, achievement motivation or what it is to really sacrifice in order to survive in the frenzied fires of fear. If they read Alexander Dumas, they would know "There is nothing like success, like success".
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