Oh no! Another bash America event at UCLA. Judith Greblya, writing in Frontpage Magazine and Campus Watch, describes another gathering of so-called academics propagandizing the mushy minds at UCLA.
Lisa Hajjar is a staple on the bash Israel/bash America circuit on UC campuses. She is another one of those dime-a-dozen Middle East/sociology professors who think it is their mission to spread pro-Palestinian, anti-Israel and apparently anti-American drivel to her students. I mean, are we still bashing Cheney and Bush??!! Did they say anything about Haliburton, bejeezus? Note to these three characters: You are smoking old weed. And that poor Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, who has taken credit for beheading Daniel Pearl. No sleep? Water-boarding? Poor thing. Why we have not hanged that piece of garbage is beyond me. And to think that Hajjar defends KSM on the very campus where Daniel Pearl's father, Judea Pearl, teaches. Despicable.
Here is what Campus Watch has to say on Hajjar: You'd better be sitting down.
I've never heard Hajjar speak, but from her bio, she strikes me as a female version of Norman Finkelstein or Ward Churchill.
I have no idea who the other two mopes are, but ACLU tells me all I need to know.
It comes down to this: Being a conservative, an American patriot or a supporter of Israel on a college campus is somewhat akin to a Steeler fan attending a Steelers-Browns game in Cleveland wearing a Steeler shirt and sitting in the dogpound. (The intellectual analogy is also valid.)
Has anyone ever asked why so many people who teach at universities are so negative about their own country?
Lisa Hajjar sounds like the perfect speaker for the next MSU, Apartheid, anti-Semitic hate week at UCI.
"All three speakers called the existence of Islamic terrorism into question and, what’s worse, behaved as if the attacks of September 11, 2001 never occurred." is a quote from the first article you posted a link for.
I suppose this is where stories about Israelis buying puts on the airlines before 9/11 to make a profit on the disaster come from. (Go prove it is untrue!) Before you know it, the Muslims had nothing at all to do with it. (Everyone "knows" this is true, so no proof is necessary. In fact, all the proof that Muslims DID do it is biased and Islamaphobic)
"All three speakers called the existence of Islamic terrorism into question and, what’s worse, behaved as if the attacks of September 11, 2001 never occurred." is a quote from the first article you posted a link for.
I suppose this is where stories about Israelis buying puts on the airlines before 9/11 to make a profit on the disaster come from. (Go prove it is untrue!) Before you know it, the Muslims had nothing at all to do with it. (Everyone "knows" this is true, so no proof is necessary. In fact, all the proof that Muslims DID do it is biased and Islamaphobic)
I would be licking my chops.
I wish I would have known about this meeting. I would have had many questions to ask this Anti-American panel.
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