In the wake of the recent pepper-spray incident at UC Davis, nobody is reacting more goofily than the faculty. Take the English Department, for example.
"The faculty of the UC Davis English Department supports the Board of the Davis Faculty Association in calling for Chancellor Katehi’s immediate resignation and for “a policy that will end the practice of forcibly removing non-violent student, faculty, staff, and community protesters by police on the UC Davis campus.” Further, given the demonstrable threat posed by the University of California Police Department and other law enforcement agencies to the safety of students, faculty, staff, and community members on our campus and others in the UC system, we propose that such a policy include the disbanding of the UCPD and the institution of an ordinance against the presence of police forces on the UC Davis campus, unless their presence is specifically requested by a member of the campus community. This will initiate a genuinely collective effort to determine how best to ensure the health and safety of the campus community at UC Davis."

You can't make this stuff up, folks. It seems the entire English department at UC Davis wants the campus police disbanded. According to the FSM article, the department is a "hotbed of radical activism".
Wasn't it Karl Marx who talked about the entire state eventually disappearing under perfect Communism? Well, if you go to today's article in Fousesquawk about "What really happened at UC Davis", Family Security Matters reports that one professor, a guy named Nathan Brown, actually teaches Marxism in the English department. Here is this boob leading his drones in the Occupy chant.
(Maybe he was just conducting his "English" class outside in the fresh air.)
Let's see......."Communist English", perhaps? Or how about "Stalinist Grammar" (He never even spoke English.) Maybe the students are assigned to read an English translation of Mao's Little Red Book.
You see the problem here, Dear Readers. Our universities are in the hands of mad men (and mad women, sorry). Anarchy is the rule of the day. How can we expect our young college students to grow into responsible citizens when they are being taught by people like this?
Pass the Propofol.
It is official! The inmates are running the asylum.
Velcom comrade Fouse to the Peoples Republic of Kalifornia!
Comrade Squid
Haven't you said, many times, that you are an Adjunct Instructor of Engels at UCI?
Correct. And that is all I teach.
The guy is a pompous ass. I think we could all agree on closing all colleges, revamping the curriculum, and then hiring a new set of faculty competent to teach those courses in the new syllabus.
We will have some debates over the history department. History, although a social science -- no, not even a science, a humanities department -- is an essential subject. The foundation though, would be "show me your sources, don't tell me what is true." Michelle Bachmann is (as Gary has noted) quite incompetent to teach the subject, as are many who currently have tenure to do so -- but NOT ALL.
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