
Sunday, December 11, 2011

A Former Justice Dept Official Expresses His Outrage

J. Christian Adams is a former Justice Department official who found himself on the outs when Eric Holder took over the department. He has written a book called, "Injustice" to describe the ideological bent of Holder and his political hires. He also writes often for PJ Media. In this article, he calls for Holder's impeachment.

I share Adams' outrage. I also worked for the Justice Department as a DEA agent from 1973 to 1995 when I retired. I was proud to be a DEA agent, just as I was proud to be a Customs agent (in the Treasury Dept.) from 1970 to 1973. I always felt I was working with honest and dedicated people. Yes, I remember when John Mitchell was attorney general and when he went to prison. We all knew that there would be a change of prosecutorial philosophy depending upon which administration or party was in power. We knew that the particular president in office was going to appoint judges that would be either pro-prosecution or pro-defense. Yet, I never experienced anything in my dealings with Washington such as what we have seen in Fast and Furious.

I occasionally worked with ATF, and I had a lot of respect for them. I felt that our two agencies had the most dangerous work in federal law enforcement. I saddens me greatly to see how Washington corrupted them.

Last night, I watched Jeanine Pirro, a former prosecutor, interview Democratic mouthpiece Julian Epstein about Fast and Furious. Epstein vigorously defended Holder and in doing so, lied repeatedly. He stated that Holder put a stop to an operation that was initiated in by someone Phoenix, that higher ups in DOJ were unaware, and that it was part of a program begun by George W. Bush (Op Wide Receiver). Pirro corrected him by stating correctly that in Wide Receiver, surveillance was carried out on purchased guns and that trackers were used as well. Yet some guns managed to cross into Mexico, and the operation was suspended. What happened in Fast and Furious was much different. There was no effort to stop the weapons from entering Mexico, and the Mexican authorities were never informed. Pirro also correctly pointed out that DOJ had sent a letter to Congress on February 4, 2011 denying any knowledge of problems with Fast and Furious. Only this month, more than 9 months later, have they withdrawn the letter as "inaccurate". I recognize that Epstein is a partisan, but his defense of Holder was shameful and dishonest.

And don't forget. Two US federal agents have been killed, a third wounded and some two hundred Mexicans-including officials- have been killed by guns purchased under Fast and Furious. And what we have is nothing but denials, lies, obfuscation, and cover-ups by our entire Executive apparatus with the entire Democratic political class in Washington protecting the guilty and allowing the administration to blame it all on some ATF agents in Phoenix.

I well understand how Adams feels. I am also outraged and ashamed at what has happened to the Justice Department. Eric Holder and his assistants have brought disgrace to the department. There is no doubt in my mind he has committed perjury before Congress. he should be impeached, and if his lies can be proven, he should be indicted.


Siarlys Jenkins said...

Adams is a self-serving ideologue committed to selling his book off of hype and hyperbole. You've featured him before. There is no substance to his specious allegations.

Gary Fouse said...

Why don't you read his book. I have.

Miggie said...

A liberal will never take the time to read a book from the opposition. By doing so, he will be forced to confront his own cognitive dissonance and aversion to the facts. Liberals can't even define what it is that conservatives are saying. All they can do is make vague accusations and say things of little to no substance.

It's a good thing that enough conservatives are getting their side out though, as many liberals are changing their minds and starting to realize how destructive the policies of Obama's Statism have been. The election can't come soon enough. I predict that Obama won't even get one fifth of the popular vote.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

I read many books opposed to many viewpoints I have been convinced by. But, it takes a certain level of integrity to make an argument worth reading. There are more books in the world today than I could read in several lifetimes. A majority of them are simply trash, of various descriptions. I'm still catching up on some excellent books published twenty years ago that I missed at the time, but find on the shelves of Half Price Books today.

There are many ways to gauge whether to pick up a book and read it in full. Reviews, recommendations from readers, reference in other news, shorter pieces by the same author... Adams doesn't rate. I don't know how liberals make these decisions, but this is how I make them. Is it not the same for you?