Late last night, LA cops finally removed the little rascals from the encampment in front of City Hall. LA Mayor Antonio "Fredo" Villaraigosa, finally found his cojones and sent in the troops. What they encountered was not pretty. Daily Caller has the ugly details.
Can you believe that some mope actually built a tree house in the park? He had to be removed with a cherry picker. What a farce.
Considering what the cops found, I think it is appropriate to re-post Fredo's letter to the Occupy Movement.
And what is the final statement of the Occupiers to Mayor Fredo?
"You broke our hearts, Fredo."
The final statement???
Read "The Brain-Dead Left" -
Obamaville's incoherence is a symptom of intellectual exhaustion.
Weren't there people who wanted to be arrested thinking they would be released immediately?
Why not give those people an option to do community service by cleaning up the area or other area or go to trial?
An army that sits in the same encampment without securing territory or dispersing the enemy has no real reason to exist.
Unlike the people sitting amid 30 tons of garbage, President Obama has to keep a nation running.
Of course they expected to be released immediately. Like the MSU at UC, according to their messages to each other, they expect lenient treatment. The more the authorities allow disruptions without real consequences, the more disruptions there will be.
I don't know of any legal system that gives the perps a range of penalties they can select.
In the case of the students interrupting the operation of the school, I would expel them from the university. In the case of street disruption, I would prosecute them to the full extent that the law allows under the most severe charges against them that can be proven.
Otherwise, what's the use of having any rules or laws?
A few zeros if they weren't in class would probably be quite a shock in itself.
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