
Monday, December 19, 2011

AMCHA Initiative Response to Speech by UC President

On November 4, 2011, University of California president Mark Yudof spoke before the Anti-Defamation League in New York regarding allegations of anti-Semitism on UC campuses. The AMCHA Initiative, which is pressuring Yudof to take stronger steps to combat anti-Semitism on campus, has issued a critical response to Yudof's speech. In the below link, which is AMCHA's response, there is a link to Yudof's speech.

I would like to comment on points one and eight in AMCHA's response. In point one, AMCHA correctly points out that the reaction of several university administrations has been lacking. As for UCI, I am only aware of a statement made in May of 2010 by chancellor Michael Drake in the wake of a speech at UCI by Amir Abdel Malik Ali, in which he stated his support for Hamas, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad and told the Jewish people in the audience, "You Jews- You'all the new Nazis." (I was a witness.) The next day, Drake issued a statement to the effect that a speaker had made some objectionable comments and that he did not speak for us (the university community). Yet, as the AMCHA letter says, no mention was made of the speaker, the comments, the victim group, the event or the organization that had brought Ali to campus (Muslim Student Union).

As AMCHA states in point eight, it is erroneous that the hateful voices consist mostly of off-campus persons. Maybe Yudof should have named them. I can tell you exactly who brings hateful apeakers to UCI who have engaged in anti-Semitic hate speech-the Muslim Student Union. The MSU is a campus registered organization.

"One person's hate speech is another person's education."

As for Yudof's references to his much-vaunted Campus Climate program, it is a joke. Basically, it is made up of various activist appointees representing all the ethnic interest groups imaginable, one of which is Jewish.

It is hardly surprising that Yudof would address the ADL. Their CEO, Abe Foxman, spoke in front of a Jewish group in Newport Beach a year or so back. He was asked about the situation at UCI and pooh-poohed it. He stated something to the effect that the adminstration and Jewish students had it under control.

Maybe he was talking about Yudof's Campus Climate program.

1 comment:

Squid said...

Amazing that president Mark Yudof, who is supposed to be such a knowledgable man, has no clue what is happening at UCI. Thanks Gary for pointing out, again, that the MSU invites speakers to engage in anti-Semitic hate speech at UCI. Like Eric Holder's denials of Fast and Furious, it is easier to deny that an anti-Semitic climate exists at UCI which it is a hostile environment for Jewish students during hate-week. If Yudof had the testicular tissue, he would put a stop to the Apartheid week.
