July 15, 2011 Istanbul
Our feckless State Department, under the direction of Her Majesty Hillary Clinton, is participating in a conference next month, sponsored by the Organization of Islamic Cooperation to discuss the issue of defamation of religion. It seems on the outside to be a noble goal, but the OIC has been pushing this idea in the UN for some time now. They want the UN to get its member nations to criminalize defamation of religion. The scary part is that the OIC is only concerned about protecting one religion from defamation.
Scoff if you will, but keep in mind these laws already exist in most of Europe.
I might suggest a few items of discussion for this conference.
Persecution of Coptic Christians in Egypt
Persecution of Christians in Pakistan
Persecution of Baha'i and Jews in Iran
Persecution of Christians in Iraq
Persecution of Jews in Yemen
Persecution of Christians in Nigeria
Persecution of Christians and Animists in Sudan
I would be much more interested in specific details of the alleged laws in Europe, rather than a broad claim that they exist.
As I recall, Geert Wilders was acquitted.
Further, despite the occasional hullabaloo from the Liberty Lobotomy, I'm not aware that the UN has authority to LEGISLATE for any nation.
All Hillary needs to do is tell the OIC about the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals decision on whether a senior at Indiana Perdue University may produce the play "Corpus Christi," which the judicial panel described as "indeed blasphemous." The show went on. See, we do it to our own majority faith, not just to the Prophet (PBUH).
In any case, I guess I just have more faith in the First Amendment than you do.
We can see where this OIC will go with this issue and it is not going to favor all religions. The OIC favors one religion over all and that is fundamental Islam. The field is already set for Hillary support of the OIC demands. After all, her boss stated in his book, "The Audacity of Hope", that "I will stand with the Muslims" when the s**t hits the fan. Also, remember that Hillary's senior advisor is the daughter of a Muslim Brotherhood operative and she is the wife of the Weiner.
It is hard to imagine anything different from the OIC when it follows their "holy book", the Koran which calls Jews:
Diseased (2:10), Evil (2:99), Deaf dumb and blind (2:171), Can't be our friends (3:28), Are our enemies (4:101), Losers (5:53), Pigs and apes (5:60), Evil (5:59), Worst beasts (8:55), Filthy (9:28), Perverts (9:30), And the vilest of creatures (98:51).
Yes, Wilders was acquitted. But why was he prosecuted in the first place?
"Why was he acquitted in the first place?" That is always a question when someone is acquitted. But if prosecutors were perfect, the conviction rate would be 100%, and that would raise the question whether ANYONE had gotten a fair trial.
Squid, please don't think we are fooled by your repetition of this bold faced lie about our president saying "I will stand with the Muslims." You were challenged to provide a page number over a year ago, you did, Ingrid and I both looked it up, and we saw that he said no such thing. It is all in print. It is also on the relevant Fousesquawk post. You are deluding nobody but yourself.
The bottom line for this photo is that Hillary isn't even wearing a head scarf, much less a hijab. (She has worn a scarf at times when visiting Muslim nations.) There is obviously going to be no mutual respect or consensus work product coming out of this meeting. Its a lot of hot air.
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