
Tuesday, November 1, 2011

DOJ Releases More Documents: Is Lanny Breuer Trying to Fall on His Sword for Holder?

Hat tip to Hot Air

The Justice Department has just released more documents on the ATF's Fast and Furious fiasco. Now it appears that there is an effort underway to make DOJ official Lanny Breuer the fall guy.

Breuer's "regret" at not having "notified" Holder of Fast and Furious may be noble, indeed, but it still doesn't hold water. There are too many other memos that have been revealed addressed to Holder about the topic. In addition, there was the involvement of other Justice Department agencies in Fast and Furious.

Here is one salient point: Unless the goal of Fast and Furious was to conduct controlled deliveries of weapons to Mexican cartel members and bust them in possession of said weapons (which was not done-or even possible since Mexican authorities were unaware of the operation), there was no sound law enforcement reason for this boffo operation. There had to be a political motivation. That motivation seems to be to corroborate the administration's questionable claim that 80-90% of cartel weaponry was coming from the US, and/or to provide a reason to crack down on gun ownership in the US.

That makes it even more absurd for Holder to claim ignorance. Ditto for the White House.


Squid said...

Don't cry for Lanny. He will go down, as a "firewall" for Holder and the White House, at least for the time being. Until someone in the Doj, ATF, FBI. ICE or other government agency in this case comes forward, the Administration will skate. Lanny will probably be offered some job by CAP or Soros group, as Van Jones was when he was fired by the White House (when we found out he was Communist slime).


Siarlys Jenkins said...

The purpose of the operation was the same as the purpose of putting dye in a stream of liquid, to see where the current takes it. Duh.