“....none of the communications between ATF and the White House revealed the investigative law enforcement tactics at issue in your inquiry, let alone any decision to allow guns to ‘walk.’”
Hat tip to Hot Air
Two important names in the ATF/DOJ Fast and Furious scandal are William Newell, agent-in-charge of ATF in Phoenix and Kevin O'Reilly, White House National Security chief for North America. In traditional White House fashion, the White House has released documents showing communication between these two on Operation Fast and Furious on a late Friday night-trying to lesson the news reports.
They didn't count on Hot Air.
So this is what Fast and Furious produced; not thousands of guns seized and bad guys busted, but a flow chart showing the route taken by said guns from the US side of the border to various points in Mexico. And you think this scheme originated with some rogue agents in Arizona?
Hardly. In the real world of federal law enforcement, the honchos in Washington are interested in numbers of arrests and/or amount of contraband seized by their agencies-numbers they can bring before Congress with pride as they ask for more money in each fiscal year budget.
Not in this administration. It doesn't take a brain surgeon to figure out that the goal in Fast and Furious was to prove a political point; that most of the guns used in the cartel wars in Mexico have come from the US-thus, guns in our country must be more tightly regulated.
"The victim died of a gunshot wound from an American weapon."
And still our media slumbers. The load of reporting this scandal still rests on the shoulders of blogs like Hot Air and Pajamas Media. The reason is clear; this is a scandal big enough to bring down an attorney general and perhaps, even a president. If it ever comes to pass, there won't be any movies about a couple of Washington Post reporters. Imagine. A movie about blogs.
Sounds like a legitimate investigation to me. What the media should be investigating is the ulterior motivations of those who want to discredit the investigation. Rogue gun shops are behind it all, and they've set up sincere but gullible conservatives like Gary Fouse to do their dirty work for them, all the time looking sweet and innocent, because he IS sweet and innocent... and gullible.
Yes, it was those rogue gun shops. They were also the ones behind 9-11. It's been documented.
9-11 wasn't done with guns Gary. Catch up on the old news clippings. That wasn't even credible sarcasm.
Yah! It is the rogue gun shops that stock $10,000 Barrett .50 caliber rifles, so that the average customer can wonder in to purchase such a weapon. Or, maybe a crew-manned .50 caliber, tripod machine gun is the choice of the average shooter. Gee, the cartels would rather buy a $450 AK, semi-auto rifle, than one of those full-auto AKs for $70 from international arms dealers.
So far, this Fast and Furious looks like an Eric Holder special, connected to the Obama administration. They will both go down in their own consiracy.
That they buy from Arizona gun dealers is well established Squid. Which dealers sell how much how often via what mechanism is what they need to establish.
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