Coptic Church in Cairo-May 8, 2011
"Kill the Christians"
Our heroes in Egypt, you know the ones who are part of that "Arab Spring", are at it again. The presecution of that nation's Coptic Christian community continues unabated-spurred on by the Muslim religious clerics who exhort their followers to go out and destroy churches and kill Christians. Vlad Tepes Blog has the report.
It is important that people outside of Egypt understand the plight of the Copts. The mainstream media in America has no interest in reporting it. The 57-member Organization of Islamic Cooperation doesn't care. To them, defamation of religion only pertains to their own. Organizations like CAIR don't want to dwell on those unpleasant facts like Muslim persecution of non-Muslims overseas. They would rather trumpet their arguments of "Islamophobia" in the US even though similar incidents against Muslims do not occur here. Oh, there are lots of folks who oppose the construction of a mosque at Ground Zero or even in places like Murfreesboro, Tennessee, alarmed by reports of so much anti-American vitriol coming from so many mosques in the sermons.
Yet, Americans are decent and fair people. They don't go to church and hear sermons urging them to rush out and attack Muslims and burn down their mosques. Yes, we had a foolish minister named Terry Jones, who made a public spectacle out of burning a Koran. However, while Christian churches in Egypt, Nigeria, Pakistan and Iraq burn, mosques in America do not burn. No Christian or Jewish clerics tells his congregation to "kill the Muslims". The complaints of CAIR and those other subversive organizations are pretty much limited to city councilmen who name their dogs after a prophet or post a Facebook message on 9-11 linking that atrocity to Koranic teachings.
What hypocrisy!
Yes, we must all strive toward mutual respect, but it has to be a two-way street.
Gary, that is a bit like taking a few headlines about Crips and Bloods and saying "There go those Americans again."
What makes you think Egyptians are a homogeous mass? What sign has there been that a tightly organized, well disciplined party is unambiguously in charge in Egypt? And if it was, would that be a good thing?
At least when I say drivel I explain why I'm using the word.
Try giving a heartfelt honest answer to ONE of my questions. Are you scared of where that might lead you?
Funny how Mubarak is gone and it is attack Copts season in Egypt. If there was a Jewish community in Egypt (They got rid of that decades ago.) they would be going after them. But now it is the Copts. Pretty soon Egypt will be like Saudi Arabia, a Muslim only nation. In which Shar'ia Law will be fully enforced.
That will be great for the tourist trade.
Be careful what you wish for Findalis, you might get it.
P.S. I notice the local Egyptian fire department turned out to extinguish the blaze. Or did those fire trucks race over from Israel? Libya?
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