
Monday, October 24, 2011

Democracy Being Born in Libya

Hat tip to Daily Caller

As they say, "The KIng is dead. Long live the KIng." In the case of Libya, that would be King Shariah. Daily Caller has the latest from Libya.

That was quick.


Siarlys Jenkins said...

Jewish teaching approves polygamy too. Most Jews in Arab countries were polygamous. Jews in Europe accepted monogamy as a compromise to deflect the hostility of their Christian neighbors. Is this really the burning issue of our time? We're not going to have polygamy here -- we settled that one with the Mormons in the 1870s.

Oh, I get it. We can't trust Mitt Romney to be president because he might get too close to this new Libyan government...

Gary Fouse said...

Great deductive logic, Siarlys. That's why I don't respond to many of your monologues.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

That and when I write more than two paragraphs I have more data at my fingertips than you can handle.

Miggie said...

Here is just one of the consequences: "The practice [polygamy] has a fundamental impact on society, limiting marriage options for poor men and increasing relatives’ pressure on women to marry wealthy men. Large pools of unmarried men tend to destabilize societies unless they are diverted to other activities, such as war."

You think there will ever be an expression of gratitude from the Lybians? How long will it take them to become yet another Muslim country hostile to the US? My guess is about a month.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

Miggie, how could you talk about traditional Jewish culture in such a demeaning and derogatory manner?