
Thursday, September 1, 2011

Fousesquawk Updates From Around the World

Remember that letter I sent to the Philadelphia Commission on Human Rights about a week ago asking for their breakdown on hate crimes?


Still no response. Stay tuned.

In Libya, they are still searching for Muammar Ghaddafi. Once they find him then they have to start looking for a tree to hang him from, which may be equally as difficult.

Meanwhile, our clueless National Security Advisor, John Brennan, says that "Al Qaida is on the ropes."

Kinda reminds me of when George Foreman had Muhammed Ali on the ropes in Zaire.

Kinda reminds me of when they told us there was light at the end of the tunnel during the Viet Nam war.

Kinda reminds me of my days in DEA when we had that old saying, "We have turned the corner on the drug problem."

Tim Geithner, believe it or not, is still our treasury secretary.

Janet Napolitano is still our Director of Homeland Security.

Maxine Waters is still in Congress.

"Ahh wunnerful, ah wunnerful, ah."

Eric Holder is still attorney general and trying to hide from the ATF Fast and Furious fiasco.

Some guy named Chehabi, who is the Syrian honorary consul in Orange County, is still sitting on the UC-Irvine Foundation board of governors in spite of what's going on in the country he represents-and in spite of protests from the local Syrian-American community.

My beloved Chicago Cubs still haven't won a pennant since I was a newborn baby-let alone a World Series-when my dear old Dad (R.I.P.) was a newborn baby. Wait till next year, we always say.

Oh well. Eleven bells and all's well.


Siarlys Jenkins said...

Jews used to say "Next year in Jerusalem."

Cubs fans still say "Next year in the World Series."

Findalis said...

Gary the Libyans don't need to find a tree (if they can). They can imitate the Iranians and do this.

Cheap, efficient, can do the deed slowly or fast.

Gary Fouse said...


I like it. At least those cherry-pickers are good for something but putting up ugly apartment buildings.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

Gary, you're against ugly apartment buildings? But they are a product of the free market. Obviously, they are the most efficient allocation of resources, or else people WANT ugly apartment buildings, and no government bureaucrat should deny the people what the free market says they want!

...or maybe they can be built cheap and sold at a profit and hey, ya gotta have someplace to sleep, what else is available?

Miggie said...

Gary, I agree with your commentary up to the last two words. I don't think all is well or is likely to get better as long as all the other circumstances are in place. Specifically, I mean as long as Brennan, Geithner, Napolitano, Waters, Chehabi, and Obama are in office things will not get any better and will probably get worse.

I'm not sure what would happen if the Cubs won the Series ... there really isn't much data on that.

Findalis said...

If the Cubs win the World Series the Sun will explode.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

I hope not Findalis. I want the Cubs to win the World Series, and I would rather the sun did not explode.

Maybe the next time the Cubs make it into the playoffs, Gary will come to Chicago, and we can all get together for a burger before the game. No food fights allowed.

Gary Fouse said...

Has to be the world series. Actually, I'm putting a visit to Wrigley on next years' calendar.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

If I'm free Gary, I'll meet you at Addison Station on the Red Line.

Gary Fouse said...

How about a Wrigleyville bar?

Siarlys Jenkins said...

As long as its in walking distance of the Addison Station, and serves soft drinks.