"Hey Holder! When are ya gonna bring in a rightie?"
"We ain't got no righties."
Hans A. Spakovsky has written another piece in Pajamas Media on the political hires of Eric Holder's Department of Justice-this time the Employment Section. Once again, a review of the names reflects a 1000% batting average for left-wingers.
Keep in mind, it took the filing of a lawsuit after a Freedom of Information request was ignored to bring these facts to light. ("The most transparent administration in history", mind you.)
This is just like Bill Clinton. President Obama tries to portray himself as a moderate-slightly to the left-while bringing in thousands of worker bees who are far left to do all the dirty work behind the scenes.
Thanks to Pajamas Media for bringing this to light.
'bout time!
You're Johnny on the spot, but you made your comment just before I posted the picture.
And what is the significance of that?
Eric Holder has no righties in his bullpen.
Like I said, 'bout time.
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