Jossy Mansur-Editor of Diario
The American press is dedicating a lot of attention to the case of Robyn Gardner, who has disappeared while vacationing in Aruba with Gary Giordano, who is being held as a suspect in her disappearance. The case brings back memories of the Natalee Holloway case in Aruba.
The Aruban newspaper Diario (in Papiamentu) is run by Jossy Mansur, who you may recall was often interviewed by Greta van Susteren during the Hollaway investigation. I happened to meet and interview Mansur when I was in Aruba researching my book on the history of Papiamentu. He is a very influential man in Aruba and I would say very much in the know. He has also written on the history of Papiamentu and produced a Papiamentu-English dictionary.
Since Diario is linked on this site, I thought it might be helpful to see what they are reporting. Here is today's edition (in Papiamentu), in which I will give a summary translation.
ORANJESTAD (AAN): Tur hende sa, cu aseguro di viahe, tambe ta duna un suma halto si acaso e persona fayece durante su vakantie! Riba Diabierna, tanto Associated Press como tambe ABC News a duna indicacion, cu e homber Mericano deteni na Aruba, esta Gary Giordano, a purba di claim e poliza di aseguro, cu por tin un valor di 1.5 miyon Dollar.
"Every one knows that travel insurance also gives a high sum in case of a person dying on vacation. The Associated Press as well as ABC News indicated that that the American man detained in Aruba, Gary Giordano, tried to claim the insurance policy that has a value of 1.5 million dollars.
Robyn Gardner ta desapareci pa varios siman caba, y awor un informe a sali indicando cu apenas dos dia despues cu e dama di 35 aña di edad no a worde mira mas, el a trata di claim e aseguro.
Robyn Gardner has been missing for several weeks, and now a report has come out indicating that only two days after the 35-year-old woman went missing, he tried to claim the insurance (payment).
Segun Associated Press, Gary Giordano a trata di busca e placa di e poliza, cu tin su nomber di Gary V. Giordano como e beneficiario.
According to the AP, Gary Giordano tried to claim the policy's money that has name of Gary Giordano as beneficiary.
Mientras tanto, Fiscal Taco Stein na Aruba no kier a duna comentario riba e noticia di Associated Press.
Meanwhile, prosecutor Taco Stein in Aruba doesn't want to comment on the news from AP.
Prensa Mericano ta haciendo su trabao investigativo tambe, y asina a bin haya sa di e detaye aki. Ta conoci cu Gary Giordano mes a admiti di a cumpra Seguro di Viahe. Pero awor e informe nobo aki, por ta motibo valido pa e keda deteni pa mas tempo riba e isla aki, y e por ta dunando un motibo valido pakico e lo por a comete e crimen.
The American press is also doing their investigative work, and has thus come here to find details. It is known that Giordano has admitted buying the travel insurance. However, now this new information may be a valid motive to keep him detained for a longer period of time on this island. and also to give a valid motive why he could commit the crime.
E actividad aki despues di a cumpra un aseguro, ta lanta sospecho cu Giordano no ta revelando tur cos na autoridad.
His activities here after he purchased the insurance rouses suspicion that Giordano is not revealing everything to the authorities.
Tin indicacion cu Gary Giordano a yama e compania, pa asina confirma cu nan cu e di berdad ta e unico beneficiario di e poliza di aseguro.
There is an indication that Giordano called the company to confirm that he was really the only beneficiary of the insurance policy.
Today, there are reports from NBC that Aruban police have uncovered a witness who can refute Giordano's story. Details are still sketchy.
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