
Monday, August 22, 2011

Chris Matthews Forgets Bull Conner Was a Democrat

Isn't it amazing that as soon as Rick Perry gets in the race and tops the polls, MSNBC goes on instant attack? They drop what they're doing on Sarah Palin, Michele Bachman and others and spend hours every night attacking Perry. Worse yet, both Ed (Butter and Egg Man) Schultz and Chris Matthews have implied that Perry is a racist without any foundation.

Bull Conner with a smile, Chris? Wasn't Bull Conner a Democrat back in the days when some of the most racist congressmen and senators in Washington were also Democrats-who voted against the 1964 Civil Rights Act? In those days, Democrats controlled the South.

At this point, both Schultz and Matthews have given half-hearted retractions, but no real apology for telling their listeners that Perry is a racist. It is beyong disgusting.

1 comment:

Siarlys Jenkins said...

Ah yes, Bull Connor certainly was a Democrat. In fact, MOST of the votes in the U.S. Senate against the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 were cast by southern Democrats.

But, the siren song of Barry Goldwater and Richard M. Nixon called them all into the welcoming arms of the Republican Party, while many of those who had championed civil rights from within the Republican Party, or their children, were so repulsed that they became Democrats, or at least independents.

But, Chris Matthews, as usual, did get it wrong. Bull Conner, however wrong he was, sincerely believed that Negroes were an inferior race and would be happier if they accepted their natural place as hewers of wood and drawers of water. He was an honest man, if brutal.

Perry, on the other hand, is a sheer political opportunist, who stands for nothing but "I've come to be your leader."

WHY do these idiots who pass themselves off as "progressive" get all riled up about who is leading the Republican pack anyway? Everyone knows the caucus and primary process is dominated by fanatics who couldn't get anyone through a general election. Remember Christine O'Donnell? And that crazy lady in Nevada who wasn't an angel who told us social security is dead? MSNBC needs to shut up about these characters, leave them to the comics page where they belong, and focus on real news.