(Svenska Dagbladet)
The number estimated dead has now climbed to possibly 80 in the twin terror attacks in Norway.
At this point, it is still not yet time for conclusions or speculations. All we (think we) know is that a 32-year-old ethnic Norwegian man is in custody and suspected of being the lone perpetrator of these two attacks. Vlad Tepes blog is identifying the suspect as Anders Behring Breivik. It is important to stress this identification because initial speculation was that this was yet another Islamic attack. At this point, it may be Norway's Oklahoma City, where it was first speculated that it was Islamic terrorists involved.
So let's let the dust settle until we really know what the story is.
Today's update. The death toll is now reported at 92, and there are rumors swirling around the Internet that Breivik is the publisher of a well-known (now closed) Norwegian blog called Fjordman, whose main thrust was writing about Islamic terror and criticizing Islamic immigration in Europe. *Update on that rumor: The Fjordman rumor is apparently false. It has been effectively refuted in Gates of Vienna and Atlas Shrugs. Fjordman himself has reported in on GoV.
But why the attack on the youth group on Utoya Island? Al-Jazeera had an interesting report before the attacks (Hat tip to Norway, Israel and the Jews):
What the hell was he shooting with? An AK-47? M-60? Were there other shooters? Something doesn't add up there.
just got the update on the Norway attack, and it is I who quickly assumed the immediate news releases on this were due to radical Islamists. Please omit my earlier post and accept my apology
Wait, so you think that because of this horrific event, that the Muslim community needs to take some time for self-reflection??? How in denial can you be?
Now I wonder how many right wingers have to pay for the sins of one of theirs.
My cousin in the US told me that there is little press about this horrible tragedy. If it would have been an Islamist, as first suspected, there would be no end of reporting and you would have lots of food for your blog.
Your cousin in the US is wrong.
I could have articulated it better, I'll admit, but what I meant to express is the undrniable fact that the first reaction of most was it was Islamic terror. Why was that? When we know more, I will be writing more on Oslo. This was a terrible act that must not inspire others.
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