Here is a recent post from the official website of Representative "Handsome Henry" Waxman (D-CA). Here he speaks out against the "Cut, Cap and End Medicare Bill" as he calls it, and tells us all the beastly things Republicans want to do.

Funny. I thought it was called the Cut, Cap and Balance Bill. Silly me.
Who says you can't make this stuff up? Handsome Henry does all the time. According to Handsome Henry, the Republicans want to throw old people out on the street, starve babies, ban baseball, and yes, most heinous of all, they want to cut out pork, reduce government spending, cut off federal cheese, and reduce taxes.
It's nothing less than the Republican Chain-Saw Massacre.
Why it's enough to scare the Be Jesus out of you.
Never fear, America. Handsome Henry is here.
Of course, someone might ask Handsome Henry where we are going to get all that money he wants to spend to save America from...THE SLASHERS.
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