Dominique Strauss-Kahn, the French head of the International Monetary Fund, was yanked off a flight at JFK Airport in New York on Sunday morning by NY cops, who busted him for sexual assault.
Did you get the part about him staying in a $3,000 a night suite?
And guess who pays the most into that little thing called the International Monetary Fund.
That's right.
All so Monsieur Dominique can stay in a $3,000 a night suite and (allegedly) chase chambermaids down the hall.
And you think that George W. Bush's ambassadors to Great Britain, France, etc. NEVER stayed in $3000 a night suites?
If you propose a broad program to reform what the standard perks and compensation for international diplomats are, I'm all for it. To the barricades, comrade!
Since the man is charged with rape, obviously that was NOT on the tab of the IMF, or the scandal would be about a high class prostitute.
I only post this to demonstrate what we are up against here. First of all, I never even gave it a thought he might be Jewish. Secondly, if you look at the photo in the link, he looks quite white to me. Two of the three examples you mention I never heard of.
Once again, I point out that sick bastards like you always hide behind the veil of "Anonymous". Smart move.
Your last name isn't Streicher, by chance?
$3000 a night for an ambassador? Likely not if the govt is paying it. We had such a thing called per diem rates. Keep in mind that ambassadors to countries like France and UK are given to big funders because they are expected to pay their own representational expenses (cocktail parties, receptions and such). The only ambassadorships professional foreign service officers aspire to are in countries nobody wants to go to-like Chad, etc
He is a cheapskate. He rapes a maid instead of hiring a working girl. He can afford $3000 a night but not $100 an hour.
Socialism is his real religion.
I for one am glad that the French Socialist Party will no longer be toying with running a comrade from the IMF for president. Although, I did hear from a Jewish man who left the communist party in 1948 over its switcheroo on Israel tell me what a disaster Mitterand would be for the communists he still otherwise sympathized with.
Findalis -- the best line of the night. Excellent, excellent, excellent.
Gary, while I think it is best to offer a name, and if that name is a nom de plume, stick to one consistently, anonymous scores almost as well as Findalis. You may not have thought of the perp being Jewish, but anyone so inclined can create a pogrom merely be highlighting such racial identity. I believe the talk about the "Jewish problem" was a well placed parody.
"All over France there are cases of rapes, by MUslim gangs, of French girls. In Australia, in 2000, Bankstown and Greenacre (in Sydney) had a succession of gang-rapes, in which the victims testified to the particularly gruesome details of being assaulted by a dozen or more men at a time, screaming at them for being "Aussies" or "Christians." It made a big splash in Sydney, when the cases came to trial in 2002. Alan Jones, an Australian commentator, noted: "Let's not mince words here -- these are racist attacks against ordinary Australian girls carried out by out of control Muslim Lebanese...." The girls themselves all testified to the fact that the attacks were full of observations about, not race, but religion -- and the confusion of Jones here is understandable. The Western world is still groping to understand something of which it had been so remarkably and indeed, in some ways so fortunately unaware; it is the attitudes engendered toward Infidels -- a Frenchman who is beaten to death for trying to retrieve his daughter's stolen bicycle, a mother and her year-old-child assaulted on an RER train near Louvres, the thousands of assaults which are a modern version of the rape and pillage that Muslim conquerors were permitted whenever they conquered Infidel lands. This is not mere crime, but ideologically-justified crime or rather, in Muslim eyes, attacks on Infidels scarcely qualify as crime."
Yes, Anonymous ... by Muslims, not "powerful Jewish men"
So have these men been imprisoned? Are they deported when they complete their sentence? If this is characteristic of Muslim men, generally, I would think there would be a tremendous imbalance in Australia between the number of Muslim men and Muslim women.
Or maybe, like most racial, ethnic, and religious stereotypes, this attributes to a large demographic group the actions of whatever thugs there may be among them.
Thugs always use whatever they have as an excuse and a cover. Italian thugs, African American thugs, Irish thugs, and yes, Jewish thugs, have always done so. Then, other demographies develop attitudes about what vicious hereditary thugs the Arabs, Italians, Jews, Irish, blacks, etc. are, have always been, and always will be.
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