Stephen Schwartz- A true Muslim moderate
Stephen Schwartz, the director of the Center for Islamic Pluralism (and a Muslim convert), has written the below article in American Thinker about the radical Islamists working like beavers up at UC Berkeley. Get a load of the latest seminars they held.
The Center For Race and Gender. That sounds like something you would have found in a German university when the Nazis were running the show.
These days, we have the modernist racial supremists/chauvinists establishing university departments with similar names while whining about so-called Islamophobia-the victimhood rant.
How ironic is it that these clowns scream about how much they are being "persecuted" in the US (which they are not) while completely ignoring what happens to non-Muslims in Muslim countries like Egypt, Pakistan, Yemen, Iran and Iraq-just to name a few. One also notes the usual suspects, led by Hatem Bazian and assisted by Hamza Yusuf Hanson, Zaid Shakir, and even that little weasel Nihad Awad of CAIR.
Here is what is happening, folks: Our universities are being taken over by Saudi-funded Middle East Studies departments filled with radical, Israel-hating professors who are indoctrinating students against Israel and into accepting the notion of Palestinian and Muslim victimhood, not to mention their own Islamist agenda. They are systematically trying to turn these issues into the dominant topic on campus. They are assisted by the usual collection of professorial, left-wing misfits and anarchist students who hate everything about their own identities as Jews, Westerners, Christians, Americans, what have you. Meanwhile, university administrators cower under their desks because they dare not challenge these bullies-even when Jewish students are faced with anti-Semitic harassment on campus. The University of California system is arguably the worst. Just this past week, the campuses at Irvine and San Diego went through another week of bitter name-calling and radical, loony speakers appearing on campus to declare their hatred of Israel and America. At the same time, at UCLA, David Horowitz had to appear under heavy security and a tense atmosphere at Moore Hall after much controversy and pressure exerted on the sponsors (Bruin Republicans). I was there, so I speak with first-hand knowledge. Fortunately, there were no disruptions, but it just goes to illustrate what happens when conservative speakers appear on university campuses. The time is long passed since UC President Mark Yudoff should have taken action to deal with this climate of intimidation, but........................
Maybe that Center for Race and Gender up at Beserkley will get a Nobel Prize for Science by "proving conclusively" that Jews have some sort of deviant gene in their brains. Maybe they should hire Imam Mohammed al-Asi of "Ghetto Jews" fame to lecture.
That is how far our universities have fallen.

So aren't there any students capable of doing independent research, thoroughly footnoted, and getting up in the face of these professors? I was doing that to my high school history teacher, much less professors I dealt with when I was a legal adult. If the students are all sheep, then ANYONE with a plausible story could lead them, and THAT is the real danger.
Note: Students who want to challenge their professors should be able to document and organize their facts, not just spew rhetoric. But professors who want to teach their students should be able to demonstrate competently that they know what they are talking about.
Newt Gingrich was on one of the Sunday morning TV interview programs. I don't remember now whether it was then or some other place but he said, in essence, that the threat from Islamic extremism is a lot worse than the public and certainly the current administration thinks it is. He says we have to a major review of the situation and have all our policies changed accordingly.
I hope this becomes a major debate issue in the Presidential campaign.
I hope so because this is the major issue of our time and that of our children's time. Nobody can articulate it better among the candidates than Gingrich, but he won't be the candidate. The one who won't articulate it is Ron Paul.
I am beginning to think that Islamic extremism is a slight of hand by Islamists. While they rant about islamophobia, oppression and the need to resist on one hand, the jihadists are killing innocent children, adults, non-muslims, Christians and Jews with the other hand. It is amazing that the audience is so mesmerized by this magic show of deception.
That, Siarlys, is about the most ridiculous statement you have made on this blog. It is truly troubling that so many Amwericans are more worried about Newt Gingrich and global warming than they are about the threat of radical islam.
Well there, Gary, we have a fundamental difference. I don't believe there is ANY threat that Islamic organizations are going to take over the U.S., and you are morbidly paranoid that they may. I don't see the slightest merit in Newt Gingrich, and you apparently do, although you don't specify what it is.
I will grant him this. He has probably torpedoed his candidacy by the one thing he said that is sensible and honorable, questioning the Paul Ryan plan to shrink Medicaid until it is so small that you might as well drown our seniors in a bathtub.
As to Global Warming, if you were experiencing the weather most of America east of the Rockies is experiencing, you might have second thoughts.
spinsum = another Freudian word verification.
People like Imam Rauf have no illusions about Islam taking over the US within their lifetimes. Their vision is within say the next several decades or a century-non-violently.
What I have said about Newt is that of all the candidates, it is he who best articulates the issues. He has too much baggage to even get the nomination.
As to GW, I fail to see the connection between a rash of tornados and GW. You are resorting to the Chicken Little method of blaming any natural disaster on GW.
No Gary, although I am not a specialist, as a citizen who has to vote for people who will set policy for our nation - if they are not unduly distracted by lobbyists - I try to be reasonably well informed on science that will be needed to guide workable policy. I am familiar with the role of heat in generating and increasing the force of both hurricanes and tornadoes. I have also observed the impact on midwestern and northeastern weather of the RELATIVELY "warmer" Arctic air, evaporation from the opened-up ocean. I also keep up on study of how past climate shifts occured, including the fact that increased warming is eventually compensated in rather dramatic fashion by increased snowfall. A new ice age would take a century or so to begin, but we don't want that either. The problem is, if we shift things enough, we put things in motion that we won't be able to stop when we feel the pain, which will be later. Meantime, you can chatter about chicken little until its too late. When you realize you are wrong, an apology will be rather cold comfort.
As to Imam Rauf, if he can secure the peaceful, voluntary, non-violent conversion to Islam of everyone in the U.S., more power to him. He has every right to try. As a confirmed iconoclast, I rather doubt it will happen. But that's not a subversive threat, it is the free exercise of religion. Have YOU no faith that your religion is strong enough to stand?
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