
Tuesday, May 10, 2011

California Teachers Take to the Streets

(InContempt Comics)

This week, the California Teachers Association has declared a "state of emergency".......

which means they have left the classrooms and taken to the streets to demand more taxes so they can make more money.

This comes as "Run-Down" Jerry Brown is trying to get 4 Republican votes in Sacramento to put a measure on the ballot that would extend temporary taxes that are due to expire on June 30.

Yesterday, demonstrations took place from Orange County to Sacramento demanding that Sacramento should tax the rich (and everybody else) to save our schools, children and the whales. There were even 65 arrests made in Sacramento.

Never mind that California teachers are among the highest paid in the nation. Never mind that California is some 15 billion dollars in the red. Never mind that the temporary taxes that Brown (and the teachers, prison guards and other state employee unions) want extended are sales, vehicle and personal taxes that hit all taxpayers. The teachers and other unions are not willing to accept any cuts.

"Make it More!"

1 comment:

Siarlys Jenkins said...

The basic problem here is not unique to the teachers, nor the prison guards, nor the Tea Party. EVERYONE with a political voice wants to have their cake and eat it too. MOST political voices want to seriously stick it to some rival faction. NOBODY wants to admit that there really ain't no such as a free lunch -- every tax cut, every expenditure, has to be paid for and accounted for.

I believe there is plenty of room to tax upper brackets a good deal more than we do, but I'm not willing to thereby take the pressure off looking at what we really NEED to spend our money on, and how it is spent.

I'm in favor of balancing our budgets and paying down the national debt -- if Bill Clinton could do it, surely our current budget could be brought into a similar line. I don't believe it requires a slash and burn approach.

As long as the battle is between those who want to "cut taxes" no matter how big our deficit, and those who want to "spend more on may favorite cause" no matter how big our deficit, we are going to get nowhere.