(Photo from ADL)
In October of 2000, Muzammil Siddiqi spoke at a CAIR-sponsored rally in Washington DC held in support of the Palestinian Intifada. His speech is contained in the below link from Steve Emerson's Investigative Project on Terrorism (IPT). If you watch the video, you will note the presence of Abdul Alim Musa behind him on the stage.
Musa, when he spoke, was his ever-vile self, praising those who die killing the "Zionists".
October 28, 2000: Alim Musa spoke at a rally in Washington DC that was organized by some of the premier Muslim community organizations in the country and in which speakers expressed support for Hamas and Hezbollah. Referring to Palestinian casualties in the second intifada, which broke out the previous month, Alim Musa said:
"We celebrate our young brothers…those shuhada [martyrs]. They're not dead….The Zionists, when they get hit they're dead. They are dead and gone…But our people, when they leave this world they're headed for jannah [Paradise]."
Here's the video. This is the same stage that Muzammil Siddiqi spoke on. Scroll down to October 28, 2000 speech (IPT).
Also speaking at that event was Abdulrahman Alamoudi, who openly stated that he supported Hamas and Hizbollah, receiving the approbation from the crowd. Siddiqi has just acknowledged to OC Register reporter Frank Mickadeit (see my previous post) that he was present at the rally, but that "he was returning back to LA on a plane" when Alamoudi spoke.
I wonder if Siddiqi was on that plane when Musa spoke. Not likely since they are pictured both on stage at the same time (when Siddiqi was speaking).
Also get a load of what Musa said at UC-Irvine on that same link on September 9, 2001. Siddiqi was reportedly also present at this benefit dinner for cop-killer H. Rap Brown (Jamal al Amin).
September 9, 2001: At a Jamil Al-Amin Fundraiser at UC-Irvine, Musa said:
"Imam Jamil coined a phrase, and that phrase meant this: ‘If you don't give us justice. If you don't give us equality. If you don't give us our share of America. If you don't stay out of our way and leave us alone, we're gonna burn America down."
So it would appear that on least two occasions, Siddiqi shared a venue with one of the most vile, anti-Semitic, anti-American imams in America-if not the world. Does he regret being associated with Musa? Does he now or will he renounce Musa and his rantings?
And how can Orange County Human Relations Commission CEO Rusty Kennedy bestow a humanitarian award on Siddiqi in light of these associations? Well, if you consider that Kennedy participated in the infamous Israel lynching in Durban, South Africa in 2001 and also reportedly participated in feting Yasser Arafat in South Africa to commemmorate Arafat's winning of that coveted Nobel Peace Prize, if guess the answer is easy.
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