"Kauft nicht bei Juden"
SJP brownshirts in action
(Hat tip to OC Independent Task Force on Anti-Semitism )
Well, I see the Students for Justice in Palestine have a chapter in Scotland. They recently shut down a talk by an Israeli official at Edinburgh University. So much for freedom of speech.
Doesn't this kind of indicate who the good guys are and who the bad guys are?
SJP: the group that brought Jeff ("pixie dust") Halper to UCI. and is bringing Malik ("Rupert Murdoch is a Zionist Jew") Ali, to UCLA this week. This is an organization that apparently doesn't place a great deal of weight on truth. They evidently value freedom of speech, so long as they are the only ones doing the speaking.
No, there were communists who used to shut down public appearances by Nazis, and God help us all if that sorted out who the good guys were and who the bad guys were.
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