Columbia University- Building the leaders of tomorrow
Anthony Maschek- wounded veteran jeered by Columbia's students (NY Post)
Tuesday, an Iraqi war veteran and purple heart recipient, Anthony Maschek, spoke at a town hall meeting at Columbia University. He was heckled, jeered and called a "racist' by the despicable students who attended.
The New York Post has the sordid story.
This is beyond disgusting. What kind of mental institution is President Lee Bollinger running at Columbia? This takes us back to the Viet Nam era when privileged college students would spit on returning war veterans.
And where is the statement from Bollinger? Here's his webpage at Columbia. I don't see anything here. Even Ahmadinejad didn't get as bad a reception when he came to Columbia.
General Inquiries or To Contact the President
Phone: (212) 854-9970 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting (212) 854-9970 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Fax: (212) 854-9973
Hmmm, Columbia University. Isn't this the same University that Michelle Obama went to and received her B.A. on Sociology? The same University that hubby Obama attended and hung with the "Marxists"? The same University where Cloward and Piven taught their stategy to destroy America as we know it, within the Socialogy Department?
Why am I not surprised?
Perhaps it is time to bring back the draft with NO deferments.
Stories like this one come up far too often. Does anyone wonder why universities are no longer supported so enthusiastically by taxpayers any longer?
Teachers, like those in Wisconsin, really don't do that great a job and really aren't in a position to command more compensation or sympathy.
Urban education has been in the hands of Democrats for fifty years and the quality of education has been in decline for at least that long no matter how much money was spent on education.
The more Women's Studies, Black HIstory, Asian Studies, and MidEast Studies and similar programs and degrees, the more worthless they are. They produce products like these thugs at Columbia and UCI far too often ...
Higher education used to be the primary goal for our children but no longer.
The students behavior was wrong but it didn't sound as bad as the article makes it sound. Above is a clip of the talk.
The students laughed when he said there are bad people who are out to get you.
That statement is accurate. There are bad people out there who are out to kill us. And those dopey students laughed at that?
Take any one of those hecklers and make ten of them. It would not make one of Anthony Maschek.
I understand there are people who want to cause harm to the US.
It just seems like the article went overboard. It would like the press focusing on the protesters who yelled "Go Home" to the people who attended the Yorba Linda lecture.
It didn't sound like there were that many people who were out of line. There were some people who I wouldn't like to hang out with, but it didn't sound like there were that many dolts as the article implies.
I am sure some of the same people protesting the ROTC would protest against the college blocking an Arab Student Union group from being allowed to be on the campus. Not that all Arabs are bad but the anti-ROTC being on campus folks would look the other way at the fact that many Arab women are treated like second class citizens.
What is their best argument for not allowing the ROTC on the campus? I haven't followed this topic much.
I don't follow the rotc issue much. The opponents are the usual leftist activists because they hate the military. What is despicable is that even if you disagree with a war, you have to respect those who are fighting for our country and coming back wounded. You should listen to that man's words with respect. If you have a disagreement you can ask a respectful question. Those who heckled that man make me sick.
Findalis, read up a little from David Horowitz, who correctly pointed out that the primary motivation for the massive anti-Vietnam War protests was students who were afraid they might have to go. Nixon transitioned to an all-volunteer military so that he wouldn't have to worry about that, and it worked. The mass demonstrations fizzled rather rapidly.
You want to bring them back? So does Bob Herbert, precisely because if we are going to war, every family should be on the line, and if we aren't willing to do that, we shouldn't go to war at all. I think he's on to something.
Oh Squid, didn't Thomas Dewey get his law degree from Columbia? I bet you could dig up a few more conservatives too, even recent ones. (Don't get me started on Pivens and Cloward, the pathetic cowards who wanted to use up the urban poor as cannon fodder while they hid out in the library... and I speak as a former organizer who knew people they meant to use).
But we were talking about a veteran who was shabbily treated by some Columbia students. Racist? The army is one of the few places today where you find black officers routinely giving orders to white enlisted personnel. They should at least get their arguments in order.
The draft ended in 1975 under Pres. Ford not Nixon. The left complains too loudly about the recruitment efforts in poor neighborhoods, but the reality is that the left has given the poor no choice. The worthless piece of paper formerly known as a High School Diploma, will not open the doors to a good paying job as it once did. If fact a military career is the first step for many poor men and women from poverty into the middle class.
To these useful idiots at Columbia University, they would gleefully get rid of the military than VOLUNTEER to serve this nation.
BTW we fought WW 1 and WW 2 with men who were drafted. They served with pride too.
Findalis, just when I was beginning to like you, you put your foot in your mouth. Believe it or not, I was alive when the draft ended, and I don't need an encyclopedia to tell me the date. I was saved from having to argue with the local draft board about whether I qualified for conscientious objector status by the fact that 1973 (not 1975) was the first year nobody was drafted. The military was all-volunteer from then on. I was 19, the age drafts occurred under the short-lived random selection process, similar to the way lottery numbers are drawn now.
I know WW I and WW II were fought by draftees, although some men (and women) volunteered immediately after Pearl Harbor. My father was one of the draftees. I would have refused induction in WW I, volunteered for WW II. I would have refused service in Vietnam - and I would have been denied C.O. status, the policy being that if you would have fought in WW II, you were not conscientiously opposed to ALL WARS.
Those useless idiots at Columbia (seriously, they are "useful" to NOBODY, they don't even serve the cause of the attenuated navel contemplation that passes for "left" these days) don't have to get rid of the military to avoid volunteering. I'd happily send them all to Afghanistan.
There is no obvious connection between any "left" at all, and the fact that a high school diploma won't get you a good job. There is an oversupply of college degrees on the market, which is why a cousin's daughter got a B.A. in political science, and at a campus job fair was hired as assistant manager of a department store. That's the kind of job people used to get with a H.S. diploma. Oh, and all the factory jobs got shipped overseas.
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