
Thursday, January 27, 2011

Is Grand Jury Investigating the UC-Irvine Oren Incident?

Hat tip to OC Independent Task Force on Anti-Semitism

Reports have surfaced that the Orange County (CA) Grand Jury is investigating the February 8, 2010 disruption of the speech by Israeli Ambassador to the US Michael Oren  at UC-Irvine by the campus Muslim Student Union.

That is all I know at the present time.


Miggie said...

Wonder what the Grand Jury can do about this. They going to indict someone? Maybe that would be the way to get rid of this Chancellor.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

If a crime was committed, the grand jury should indict. Then we could stop all the inflammatory rhetoric between competitors in righteous posturing.

Sorry Miggie, it would be someone who committed assault or battery who would be indicted. Not the chancellor.