
Tuesday, December 21, 2010

MPAC Conference in LA

The Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC) held their annual conference in Los Angeles this past weekend. Here is the report by Steve Emerson and the Investigative Project on Terrorism.

* Reema Salahi is a recent UC graduate, member of the MSA, and acted as legal counsel for the UCI Muslim Student Union in the recent Oren affair.

As is evident, MPAC's agenda is to portray themselves as a moderate, mainstream organization that speaks as the official voice of the Muslim community in America. Yet, they whitewash any suggestion that we have a home-grown terrorist problem in America and maintain that they (Muslims) are victims of "Islamophobia" and suspicion. Now their message seems to be one of non-cooperation with the police and government. How nice. You talk about isolating oneself from American society.

"Muslims have never targeted American civilians."

No? Leon Klinghoffer might disagree.

What about 9-11?

What about the 1993 World Trade Center bombing?

The Times Square bomber?

The underwear bomber?

The shoe bomber?

What about the bombings of the American embassies in Lebanon, Tanzania and Kenya?

I could go on, but my fingers are getting tired. I think you get the point.

In my view, one of the biggest problems that decent American Muslims in America have is their so-called "leadership".


Miggie said...

Defective Bomb Found on Rome Subway



Siarlys Jenkins said...

Leadership? Are you sure you know who the "leadership" of American Muslims is? In this land of the free, it requires the permission of nobody to call yourself the "Council on Islamic Virtues" or anything else you like. You can also call yourself the "Yiddish Pig Farm," but that doesn't make pork kosher. What you carp about is not the Muslim "leadership" but the band of self-appointed spokespeople that our gullible mainstream media (that includes Fox News) early run after with their microphones to learn what "the Muslim community" thinks about almost anything under the sun.

Gary Fouse said...

That's why I put quotes around leadership.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

Good for you. I have to pay more attention to the subtlety of your writing.