
Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Celebrating the "Winter Event"

Have you noticed the rash of TV car commercials that are proclaiming sales this season? Have you noticed that none of them say a word about what it is we are celebrating? According to Mercedes Benz, it is the "Winter Event". Other car companies are celebrating the "Holiday Event", the "Year End Event", the "Freezing Our Asses Off" event or whatever. Not a word about Christmas or Channuka.

Even Santa Claus seems to be getting phased out as evidenced in ever politically-correct Minnesota.

(Hat tip to Qudosi Chronicles)

Well, I guess we could celebrate Al-Shabab in Minnesota since so many of their Somali denizens seem to have run off to join the terror group. Maybe if we get rid of pesky old Santa, the Somalis will stop joining Al-Shabab-or so the reasoning goes.

Or maybe they are celebrating the real winter event in Minnesota, the collapse of the Humpty Dome in Minneapolis, which necessitated the big Monday Night Football game played on an ice rink called Univ. of Minnesota Stadium.

Of course, in Europe the politbureau aka the European Commission is issuing day planners which make no note of Christmas on December 25-just another day now as Europe enjoys its interregnum of secularism until Islam becomes the rule of the land. The Red Cross in the UK has removed all references to Christmas in their facilities in an effort to be "more inclusive" and not to offend others.

(Hat tip to Free Republic)

Of course, we all know what is going on here. There is a move afoot to remove Christmas and its meaning for us out of our consciousness. Then we will all live happily in Multicultural land.

"....and no religion too."

-That great philosopher John Lennon

Or just maybe, after watching the Bears and Vikings slide around last night in sub-freezing temperatures, we can celebrate the debunking of all that Global Warming hysteria.

So head on over to your nearest Mercedes dealer and cash in on a great deal to celebrate "End of Global Warming Hysteria Event."


Lance Christian Johnson said...

Two things:

1. Complaining about how the free market advertises? What are you, some kind of socialist?

2. There is a move afoot to remove Christmas and its meaning for us out of our consciousness.

If others are able to remove something out of your consciousness, then you only have yourself to blame.

Damn but I'm sick of all this phony sense of oppression. You "conservatives" say that liberals are whiners, but you guys are the biggest whiners of them all. I can't go anywhere without hearing Christmas songs (as in, the ones about Jesus). If there really is such a movement, they're doing a lousy job.

Gary Fouse said...


Ever hear of earplugs?

Squid said...

Bah! Humbug!


Lance Christian Johnson said...

Yes, but you're confused - I don't have a problem with hearing Christmas songs. I don't have a problem if somebody says Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Happy Kwanzaa, Happy Hanukkah...whatever.

Are auto dealership ads where you seek your spirituality? Are you so oppressed that they're not acknowledging your particular holiday? Do you need a band-aid for the tremendous boo boo that it gave you?

Bartender Cabbie said...

Well all I can say on this subject is that one of my pet peeves is to hear the phrase "holiday tree." I always want to yell "It is a Christmas Tree Damn You!" I never do though. Perhaps I should.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

The meaning of Christmas? Don't display your ignorance of American heritage in public! Christmas wasn't significantly acknowledged in this country before the 1840s, and then, it was pumped up by a band of New York businessmen to boost sales. The reason people have talked lately about "putting Christ back into Christmas" is that He wasn't in it to begin with.

Do you REALLY want businesses pimping Jesus Christ to sell their products? Have you EVER read about what Jesus did to the money changers in the Temple?

P.S. Lance is correct on all points, and you haven't begun to answer any of them. You just toss out a non sequitir about ear plugs to save yourself from a substantive response.

Lance Christian Johnson said...


It's only a "Christmas" tree because the Christians stole it from the pagans. "Holiday" tree is actually more accurate.

What do I call mine? A Christmas tree. I don't care what other people call their trees. They can call it a Festivus pole for all I care.

Bartender Cabbie said...

Yes Lance we are all aware of the origin of the tree. It is still called by most in this country (and elsewhere) a Christmas Tree. Glad to hear you call yours that.

Lance Christian Johnson said...

Cabbie, my point is this:

Why do you care what people call it? Do you really not have anything better to worry about?

Bartender Cabbie said...

Yes I do unfortunately have better things to worry about. Still calling the damn thing a "holiday tree" sticks in my craw. It is a fairly recent thing and smacks of PC nonsense.

Lance Christian Johnson said...

Meh. Pour yourself a beer and get over it.

Bartender Cabbie said...

Nothing I can do about it anyway. I just note it down as more pervasive nonsense. I guess we can close this subject now?

Siarlys Jenkins said...

As I have said in several placed "homogeneity is not diversity." A Christmas tree is indeed a Christmas tree. If you want to have a non-Christmas holiday, make up your own symbol.

Speaking of which, has anyone noticed that the "Kwanzaa" symbols are more or less copied from Jewish tradition? Well, its not like there was any such holiday in west Africa (where most Americans of African descent came from) or east Africa (where Swahili was invented to facilitate the slave trade with the Arabian peninsula).

Gary Fouse said...

The only thing I know about Kwanzaa is that is was invented by a radical named Ron Karenga, who went to jail for torturing some girl he thought was a snitch. He is now a professor at Long beach State.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

The only thing I know about Kwanzaa is that original Black Panthers don't celebrate it, because the Intercommunal News Service published serious suspicions that Karenga had complicity in the murder of LA Panther Chairman Alprentice "Bunchy" Carter. A former FBI informer named Louis Tackwood provided corroboration that the BPP generally deemed to be credible.