
Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Janet Napolitano Considering Airport Pat-Down Exemption for Muslim Women

As if there wasn't enough controversy over the enhanced airport screening procedures. Now comes word that Homeland Security chief Janet Napolitano is considering exempting Muslim women from pat-downs.

In addition, the Council on American Islamic Relations is issuing a TRAVEL ADVISORY on the issue and giving advice on how Muslim women should request certain "exceptions" from the procedure (and to notify CAIR if they have a complaint).

First of all, Janet Napolitano can only be considered a complete oaf, which she proves every day. Hell, why not exempt all Muslims, Janet? Let's profile the real dangers to America-those right-wing, Christian tea-partiers.

Would you let that man on an airplane? Of course not.

Excuse me for being a bit indelicate, but who are the chief suspects here? Why is it that we have to go through all this procedure anyway?

Secondly, I appreciate the fact that Muslim women are expected to dress modestly and not be touched by strange men. I get that. But what are the rest of the women in the world-exotic dancers??

Maybe our brain surgeon HS chief should see how they handle this issue in Muslim countries. I don't know, but I suspect the answer is that screeners are of the same gender. Isn't that the way we are supposed to be doing it here too?


Siarlys Jenkins said...

Fair enough Gary. That's sound application of well established doctrine on what freedom of religion means. Nobody is entitled to an exemption, on grounds of religion, from a neutral regulation applied to all citizens equally. And yes, the screening should be done be someone of the same sex.

However, most security measures remind me of the French colonel, Matthieu, in Battle of Algiers, who arrives to take command of a deteriorating situation, and announces "You can forget about those check-points to look at everyone's ID. If anyone has their ID in order, it is the terrorists."

Findalis said...

I thought she decided that no one would be exempt. Did she change her mind again?

This is true insanity!

Siarlys Jenkins said...

I'm not following her on twitter. I get my information on Janet Napolitano from Fousesquawk. Gary will let us know.