
Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The Olive Tree Initiative and George S. Rishmawi (Cont.)

Next Monday, the Olive Tree Initiative (OTI) at UC Irvine is hosting George S Rishmawi, a co-founder of the International Solidarity Movement (ISM) to speak on campus. As previously explained, the OTI was created three years ago to afford Jewish, Muslim and other students the chance to travel to Israel and the Palestinian territory and be exposed to both sides of the conflict from a variety of sources. The OTI travel is at least partially fiunded by the Rose Project, which was established by the Jewish Federation of Orange County. The UC system has now spread the OTI program to other campuses. Below is from the OTI announcement:

"George S. Rishmawi is a leader and co-founder of the ISM, the International Solidarity Movement, and the head of the Siraj Center for Holy Land Studies (, a Palestinian NGO that operates in the West Bank to lead educational tours about Palestine and the Israeli Occupation.

Born in Beit Sahour, a city known for non-violent resistance, George S. Rishmawi is coming to UC Irvine as a guest of the Olive Tree Initiative, and for those of you interested in becoming part of OTI 4, George is one of our primary contacts in the West Bank.

2pm - 3pm

Palestinian Non-Violent Resistance (Student Center, TBA)

330pm - 430pm

Water Shortage in the West Bank, Founders Circle, Aldirch Park

5pm - 6pm

Palestinian Diplomacy & Rapprochement, SBSG 1517

There will be a short presentation and ample time for Q/A and group discussion at each event!"

So who is George S Rishmawi? We know that he is a co-founder of ISM, which portrays itself as a peaceful organization, but, in reality, is devoted to the destruction of Israel and has been linked to violent Palestinian elements. Rishmawi, however, is portayed as a peaceful moderate, and according to one representative of OTI, is no longer a member of ISM.

Here is what the Jewish Federations of North America has to say about ISM:

Here is what the Anti-Defamation League has to say about ISM:

And here is what Stand4Facts (Stand With US) has to say about George S Rishmawi:

In addition to all that, here is the itinerary for the 2008 OTI trip:

Two other names of persons involved in that program that jump out are Mazim Qumsiyeh and Diana Buttu.

Here is what Discover the Networks has to report on Mazim Qumsiyeh:

Diana Buttu is a Palestinian-Canadian lawyer and anti-Israeli activist, who strongly supports the Boycott, Divest and Sanction movement (BDS) against Israel (as does Qumsiyeh).

So there are questions about Mr Rishmawi, and there are questions as to why the Jewish Federation of Orange County and the Rose Project would want to be even remotely or indirectly involved with persons whose goal is the destruction of Israel.

I recognize that the stated objective of the OTI is to expose both Jewish and Muslim students to both sides of the conflict. Yet, the question must be asked on the Jewish side; does that include those who support BDS and the destruction of Israel as a Jewish state?

Just a question.


Siarlys Jenkins said...

Of course, Gary, exposure to "both sides" of the conflict naturally INCLUDES (but cannot credibly be limited to) "those who support BDS and the destruction of Israel as a Jewish state."

Hopefully, exposure to the diverse viewpoints available within

a) the Palestinian geographic/ethnic demographic, and,

b) the "Jewish state"

will leave attentive and informed individuals who complete the program with some understanding of what motivates them all, what it would take to secure a peace all could live with (there is no other kind of peace, unless everyone is dead), and enough sense not to fervently commit to one line of propaganda.

What most mainstream Jewish organizations overlook (is that like mainstream media?), is that while Israel was formed in the teeth of decrepit monarchies, and defended itself in a second round of wars against national socialist military regimes, in the process it ended up in occupation (however unintended) of a large civilian population, which gives those who grew up under that occupation a different view.

Gary Fouse said...


I know. I know. But if you are a Jewish American who supports the state of Israel, do you really want to give to an organization that funds-directly or indirectly-programs that include and give voice to people who want to destroy Israel/support the divestment move?

This is a question that should be considered.

Matan Lurey said...


Olive Tree is one of the (very) few successful programs (so much so they got national state recognition in DC this year) that actually creates a chance for peaceful coexistance and understanding. The reason why OTI is so supported by the Jewish American community is because it is the ONLY organization that has both Jews and Muslims that are not only against BDS (this isn't a policy of OTI, but if you were at the OTI welcome back event many of the Muslim even Palestinian students said this), but understand Israel's point of view and work to educate others on campus

No other organization that operates at UC Irvine can say or claim that.

As it is obvious some of the facts are wrong about this George Rishmawi (even the picture posted is the wrong George Rishmawi), and he definitely doesn't work for the ISM anymore (you can ask him yourself at the event), I would very much appreciate if you would send out a retractment of your statements until you can confirm or deny them on Monday.


Gary Fouse said...


Then why does the picture on the OTI announcement match the picture on Stand4Facts and the one I posted?

Gary Fouse said...


Help me out here. According to the announcement put out by OIT and your clarification, we have two photos shown. To me, they are strikingly similar. Is the OIT clear on who is coming?

For me, it doesn't matter if the guy who shows up Monday looks like Robert Redford; the important point is this: Is your speaker Monday a co-founder of the ISM?
That's what matters.

Pending resolution of that point, any talk of a retraction is..., well, premature.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

No, I wouldn't. So if I were such a person, I would not give money to such a group. Others might differ, and they have their own money to put where their mouth is. I think Olive Tree is pursuing a course that might actually produce a slim chance for a peaceful resolution.

Adam said...

This is just another example of the rabid antisemitism at UCI. If the MSA can't have their terrorist heroes speak, they'll use another organization to do it. Frankly, this man has supported and even enabled murderers. He should be in jail, not speaking on a University Campus.

Israel is NOT an occupying power, and is NOT an apartheid state. These are myths created and spread by people like this murderer to gain followers and international support for terrorism.

Gary Fouse said...


Keep in mind there is some confusion about two different George Rishmawis. The central issue for me is whether this speaker is the George Rishmawi who co-founded ISM and what, if any, is his association with it today.

Mar Vista Mustang said...

Gary, the photos--the one on the poster and the one on the Siraj Facebook page--are of 2 different people. Yes, the two cousins do resemble each other. You have to look carefully to determine how they differ.

The Siraj Center is tied into the Palestinian Center for Rapprochment between People (PCR) which the other George is Executive Director of.

PCR has scrubbed the pages indicating its recent support of ISM activities, but examine the cached links.

Both Siraj and PCR support BDS through the notorious Kairos Palestine Document.

Mar Vista Mustang said...

Just to clarify a little more, both George S. and George N. credit themselves as co-founders of ISM. A number of people do.

And in my previous comment, I'm indicating that George S's Siraj Center is directly under a group (PCR) headed up by George N, and PCR itself is intimately connected to ISM. Keep in mind that the staff of PCR is on the order of a dozen people or so. We're not talking about a huge organization where one component may not even know of other involvements on the part of the central group. Therefore, I find it hard to accept the assertion that George S "cut off ties" to the ISM in 2004.

Gary Fouse said...


If he cut off ties in 2004 as claimed, starnge that his speech is carried on the ISM website in 2007.

Say hi to Mar Vista . I grew up there.