
Friday, October 1, 2010

The Great Park (in Irvine)

Some of you not from Southern California may not have heard about the Great Park in Irvine. Since this is supposed to be the next Central Park (NY), and is billed as the first metropolitan park of the 21st century, I thought I would give you an update on just what this park is.

This area is the site of the former El Toro Marine Base, now deserted. The buildings have been torn down, and basically, the only thing you see is a large expance of dirt with an old control tower and a runway.  It is basically inhabited by gophers.

When the Marines left, a great debate ensued over whether to build a new airport at the site to take the load off Orange County Airport. The measure was voted down because south county residents did not want an airport in their neighborhood. One of the arguments against the airport was that the land could be used to build......

The Great Park.

That was a few years ago.

Now, if you are driving around Irvine, you will see large signs directing you to turn right or turn left to get to The Great Park. Problem is there is no Great Park (except for a big orange balloon that you can ride). Other than that, there's nothing there.

That's it, folks. (Great Park in background)

In fact, you can drive for hours following those signs to The Great Park, but all you'll see is....

(Car not included)

So who is behind this boondoggle? That would be a guy named Larry Agran. He is the head chingon of the Great Park Commission or whatever you call it. He is also the former mayor of Irvine and since has served on the Irvine City Council, which is pretty much a revolving triumpherate of Agran, Beth Krom (former mayor and now running for Congress), and Sukhee Kang, who is the current mayor. Larry Agran, however, is the power behind the throne. He is the Big Cheese in Irvine. He's the "man to see".

So the question is when will we see this Great Park? Hell, even if they just planted grass, it would look like a park (somewhat). I have a better idea. Why don't we declare it protected land because it would disrupt the gophers' habitat?

"Splendid idea."


Squid, said...

Another over-stated political agenda which is the "Great Park". There is nothing great about this park. Agran, who spent a lot of money for the park, will say look at the ballon, full of hot air.


Gary Fouse said...


"There is nothing great about this park."

Correction: There is no park.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

I suppose nobody has allocated the money to make it a park. You know, Kalifornia Konservatives howl in protest whenever anyone suggests such a thing.

Gary Fouse said...


How about some private firms spending the money to build their own stuff there?

Siarlys Jenkins said...

When have private firms ever built a park for all the citizens to use for free? It would end up like Six Flags, which is overprices and in horribly bad taste. We have enough of those.

P.S. I might have met Larry Agren once. I kind of admire him, whether I did or not.

Gary Fouse said...

Did Larry show you the Great Park when you met him?