(Hat tip to Right Side News)
I am cross-posting this article from the Right Side News, in which the writer tells of his experience as a conservative writing articles for the Kansas State University campus newspaper.
Trying to write for a university newspaper as a conservative?
Silly boy.
I'm tempted to call this guy a whining cry-baby, which is what those who are pleased to style themselves "conservatives" in this degenerate age would say if a "liberal" made a similar complaint. He's too wrapped up in himself and how hurt he feels.
But, while he may not be so great as he makes himself out to be, and while there may have been legitimate concerns on the part of the editorial staff, I am as frustrated by the axiomatic assumptions of "politically correct" thinking as anyone.
I enjoy the challenge of Gary's posts, and his responses at Alexandria to some of mine. The give and take is important, not only to the exercise of free speech and political liberty, but also to each participant sharpening their own knowledge of why they believe what they have to offer. The university press in Kansas is somewhat poorer for not letting this man's integrity rise or fall on his own writing, appearing in print for all to evaluate.
The domination of the left in American academia is undeniable. I don't think I have been guilty of crying about it, as a matter of fact, I kind of enjoy being the skunk at the garden party. The problem is that our kids are being cheated out of an honest education. Every future leader of our country passes through these universities. In my view, we are already seeing the effects of this educational system.
The domination of the left in American academia is undeniable
I deny it.
First, the term "the left" has become so amorphous that it has no meaning at all.
Second, I read thoughtful articles all the time from academics who are not within the various schools of thought you more or less lump together as "leftist."
But I didn't call you a whining cry baby. I said I was tempted to call the man you cited a whining cry-baby. You, after all, have held onto your academic position, adhered unflinchingly to what you believed to be your duty as a teacher, practiced your right to freedom of speech in matters of general public concern on campus -- all without putting this sort of pity party into print.
Finally, I explicitly stated that the KU paper should have let the man's words speak for themselves. To that extent, we agree.
The bottom line remains that they canned him because he was too conservative for them. That is what the left does-they try to silence opposing voices.
"That is what the left does..."
Ad hominem, and not even well focused. You can't even give me a coherent definition of "the left." Then we'd have to sort out whether ALL the people you are talking about do what you say "the left does."
Further, "the right" - an equally amorphous category - could be said to do much the same when in a position to do so.
Its not clear to me whether this guy was canned for bad writing and poor documentation of his stated facts, or for having a viewpoint the editors wanted to suppress. Either appears to be possible from his own column and the description you've given.
As long as you limit your presentation to this individual's case, you may be right, but I'd like to see more. Once you start talking about "the left" and what it "does" its just a vague rant.
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